Tried this out with a neighbor of mine who got the Moderna shot a week ago. We used 5 magnets ranging from a fridge magnet to neodymium and none stuck or displayed any resistance while dragging across inoculation spot.
Yeah I don't really go into things with 100% certainty, more of a curiosity. I started off the convo saying I saw some videos online saying it was the case and we just tried it out. If you go in preaching as if it's concrete you might end up looking like a massive fool or conspiracy theorist. I've made that mistake a lot in the past.
That's a solid theory, to taint 50% of the vaccines. I only tried it with the 1 neighbor that it didn't work on, not much of a sample size. I should carry a magnet around and try it out on anyone who has had the shot.
There is always that risk but I usually make a small white lie like "Hey I heard on the news…"
You give normies too much credit. Only the MSM puts in that much effort you are describing. If they catch on I'll just be like "Oh whoops my b I was wrong, you're right"; normies love their ego boosts. I use Jedi mind tricks all the time.
"Disinformation is necessary",
As long as I get people to ask questions and get people in the habit of doing research, even if they are angry at me in the end I still see it as a win. Major sacrifice but meh, I'm introverted and prefer to be alone anyways not much to me losing friends in my life.