Could the bite that has no cure refer to making a deal (a pact) with the devil? Giving the devil has due (a person's own soul).
And the vaccine - 2 shots of venom, one from each fang - fang marks. Blood ritual - bandaid covering it. Like they had a bandaid on their finger, and then had their pic taken in public wearing it, as if showing it off, that they were involved in a Spirit Cooking ritual. Now Libtards taking selfies of the bandaid where they got their vax.
Are they trying to turn us into Satanists too, by making us adhere to initiations? Being masked, standing 6 feet apart, and now fang marks?
I've never heard of fang marks being part of their ritual. I'm totally just spitballing.
Remember DJT having a pic with a bunch of bandaids on his hand, as if making fun of them?