This new BV guy is so hot right now.
Now this psycho here is another Banhammer case study the board needs to discuss.
Last night he had (100+) in some breads doing this same old BRT routine hassling Anons.
Free Speech motherfuckers or at certain point after warnings it's Banhammer time?
Just lighten up a little.
That's all.
You don't have to reply to every Anon post with your shit like last night.
hi webm
What are your thoughts about flying it upside down instead?
Fly it upside down - just make sure you mean it and the Vets will be cool with it.
Interdasting how easily Gerbil handed off to him.
After some mild kayfabe putdowns of each other.
kek the losing side always says that
KEK, please just 1 motherfucking bread free of some inane spammer.
Is that too much to ask?
kek well played
kek most of them really don't filter that's the dirty little secret
That's cool but don't be tonguing each other and shit while I'm trying to eat my tendies.
>I think the whole point
That's the issue with Anna Mae triggering.
There is no whole point of criticism just a bunch of them.
Taking shitty Notables is the worst but only a few ever mention that.