wtf is this kind of shilling? pity party kayfabe?
so if I filter you… will you IP hop, because I don't care about your drama
think about this, of the 150k covid fatalities, only 9k are from the virus alone
9k/333million = 0.000027
9.99973% chance of survival
I think you have a greater chance of dying from walking on the sidewalk than dying of covid alone.
gonna post some more fake Q shit
what is it that has gotten these shills worked into a frenzy? It has been building up more and more starting roughly 10 days ago.
I agree that all of this is happening, and I can even add one. Like the MSM starting to report on FISA gate.
But they don't seem to be blocking this info in the notables.
I think you're right… last night there was a shill crying/whining for a couple breads about all the Code Monkey posts regarding the audit.
muh fear porn shill….. who gives a fuck about the petro dollar when multi-trillion dollar bail outs are happening
tells me 8kun serves two purposes… dissemination of information, and as a honey pot for all the different players WW
kek… the left now loves hitler, a fascist
guess that makes muh joo shills left wing fascists
Jim advertises for honey, even says honey pot.
fuck around and find out… this place is guarded by dod servers