Didn´t knew you where this new BV
nevermind live with the shitty bread instead
Didn´t knew you where this new BV
nevermind live with the shitty bread instead
the locked bread was me , no virgin
t /NN no notables baker
grey, hasn´t control
repost for 1day 1 per bread, if it gets pickup it´s important, if not then , wait for another time
Fuck notables
try the next day, don´t get to worked up, as I said. if it´s important it will get the attention it needs, repost on other chan´s if you wanna make sure.
to add, we had notables repeating or shit didn´t get noticed . so it´s always a fuckup.
that´s why im no fan of notables.
count me in
sometime in the next timeline, we maybe have a dance together, but other thant that, i would break your heart on purpose and then leave you to die. maybe i would be so kind to turn it the machine off. maybe
narrative shift time, if you haven´t seen the recent switch in distinguishing anti zionist from anti semites than you haven´t been paying attention
confirm that you locked my narrative shift bread , and that i´m neither of thoose others please for the sake of truth.
otherwise i´m fine with knowing it.
the step to far
too much credit.