Wow, I don't see a single negro. Lilly white.
Someone should ask them why there isn't any PoCs working for them. Maybe push to get a PoC on their board of directors.
McNoName style Republicans.
They stopped the squeeze earlier this year by falsely claiming that they had added a bunch of silver.
Ooopsie. An innocent error:
“A data submission error led to the publication of an incorrect aggregate figure for the total silver held in London vaults in March. The corrected figure is 1,143,194 Troy ounces (‘000s).“
In short, instead of silver holdings in LBMA vaults having risen by 3,863 tonnes (or 11%) in March, the new LBMA claim is that the silver inventories rose by 561 tonnes (or 1.6%). Which is 6.88 times less.
>is a harsh word that is painful
What the fuck ever happened to "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"?
Buncha faggot pussies these days.
Fuck yeah. Show the cheating by those Rinos at the press conference today.