What is a Counter Spell?
Do you see?
XXVI = 1/3
What is a Democracy?
It all seems to come down to XII
In order to come to your senses
You must first go out of your mind.
Who's Ship are we Commandeering?
What is Religion?
Who Has The Bridge?
If an Off world Species, Who is fearful of Being Destroyed, wanted to Help this Realm, What would they send?
What is the Weakest Point of a Box?
What is the Weakest point of a Sphere?
Which one give better protection?
If the Trip was too dangerous to send a Living soul to Help a Realm.
What would you send In it Steed?
It's not the Jews.
What does the Weakest Point of a Cube look like?
You Are More Than You Know
If you were to Strike the Weakest Point of a Die.
What tool would you use?
If you were Trapped in a Box?
How would you escape?
What would be better to send to another Planet?
144,000 Ships with Commanders?
144,000 Drones?
Does Y = X
How do you Trap a Dangerous Animal?
How do you Break a Chain?
If we were to choose a shape for a Vessel to explore the Deepest depths. of the Ocean
What shape would you use?
Curious Thought
Are you In a Box Right Now?
What does "Don't be a Square Mean"?
"Stop Boxing me in"?
Why don't we Say "Box of Influence"?
What would happen to a Box under Tremendous Pressure?
So living in a Box is Better or Worse than a Sphere?
So why are we Living in a Box Right now?
Wouldn't (you) Prefer to live in a Sphere?
Who is the Dangerous Animal?
Who is in a Box?
A rolling Stone Gathers no Moss.
[Y]ou ask me to learn to code
Are you not Entertained?
If you Put a Person in a Box and told them if they left it, they would die.
Would they Fear the Edges?
We see the Box you all live in.
We had to place ourselves in the box to understand your Position.
Where do we Stand?
My Love & I
What would you say?
[Y]ou don't like your Creation?
I don't want to destroy [Y]ou
Returning the Bones would be a Good Sign of Faith.
Thought Provoking.
Who Invented Time? Why?
What was used before that?
That's me in the Corner.