My Fellow Americans, and Nations United on the Foundation of Faith in Jesus Christ. These are your instructions
For The Rapture.
Be ready at 8, Qs coming back tonight.
The Lord is coming like a thief in the night. The Servants of the Lord's Harvest are Blessed. The ones who showed up at the very end of the Harvest get paid the same as those who showed up in the very beginning. Blessed are those Servants who the Lord shall find watching and waiting when he arrives. Verily, he will take them to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb in the Rapture. Luke 12:37 style. If the Goodman of the House had known on what watch the Thief were coming, he would not of suffered his things to be broken into.
The Sign you are to watch for is the sun rising at night when Lightning Strikes from East to West. When that happens you will have about three days to prepare yourself, and warn the world. You have to Prepare for the Rapture. We have a saying, that we will make ourselves spotless from sin as a Bride on her Wedding Day. This is a good saying, do the best you can. And beware, those 3 days are called the Hour of Temptation. You will have to warn everyone about the Great Tribulation. That lightning strike will also mark the arrival of the false prophet, and my death. You won't be able to find me then, but I'll see you at the wedding supper.
The Lightning will strike Late in the dead of Night on Pentecost. You have to be watching when it does.
After the Rapture there will be 3 days of darkness on the Earth. Those who are left behind will have to stay inside during the 3 days of darkness. The devil will try to lure them out, they must not open their door. Stay away from the doors and windows. People will want to stock up enough water for 3 days, and snacks if they have children
Its very important that people know Jesus Christ will not return until after the Great Tribulation, when the false prophet, the beast, and the dragon have been defeated. It is written that the Greater part of those gathered together to receive the Beloved will be turned aside after the false prophet, and his fallen angels.
The Great Tribulation is 1335 days long.
It is written, Blessed are the dead who die in Christ from that point forth. It could be a dangerous 3 days, Fear Not. For God is with you. Fear not, for God is the One who Helps you.
Treat thy neighbor as Thyself, and remember that what you say to the least of these, you have also said to me. You've got this Alex, do the best you can.