>until apparently now
Correct…Even shills like me just stirred the pot for awhile and everyone bitched and moved on, now there's a QR BV that likes to play god and treat QR as it's own dominion and we should worship it's fucking cunt
>until apparently now
Correct…Even shills like me just stirred the pot for awhile and everyone bitched and moved on, now there's a QR BV that likes to play god and treat QR as it's own dominion and we should worship it's fucking cunt
lol what else would UncIe Joe be dumbass…a goddamn patriot…you're too much
imagine a shill, being right….
You idiots bitch about facebook and twitter bans and censorship at the same time getting censored on a so called free speech board….oh the irony is hillarious
never was cp, all were over 18….you idiots freaked out
but yes l wiII quit with the pictures of beautiful women
oh l know
but l never was one, just trying to push the boundry…l do have standards…l guess
never had "tactics" other than to kick the hive
seems to have worked, since l'm one of the most hated here
well maybe not ALL, but definitely the nudes were