Hey Freemasons, Jews and Jesuits…
By the fucking way, Q lied. Our families are not safe. They are coming after the kids now with that Nano-tech Poison Injection. Over my dead-fucking-body in a pile of brass. Come and get some Deep-State Motherfuckers.
Our Founding Fathers would have been at War the minute some tranny showed up at the Public Library for Drag Queen Story-time in front of children. The Deep-State would have burned. Us, not so much.
That's just like your opinion, man. Contemplate.
Oh, he can be touched the moment the right Patriots decides it's time.
Q needs to get it's ass in gear. Gunna get hairy if they keep pushing. All out of fucks to give.
I still got muh guns, so I have that going for me, which is nice.
They hate us cuz they ain't us.
Gee, that Ryan Reynolds has a build like Sleepy Joe. What an Actor!
All your pelosi belong to us.