>>13695438 (PB)
The tea leaves say BG knows something bad for him is coming. Hence the divorce.
>>13695438 (PB)
The tea leaves say BG knows something bad for him is coming. Hence the divorce.
>>13695326 (PB)
Who knows. He did a 180 when he was needed the most. All credibility washed down the drain. Self inflicted too.
>"Joe Biden, having already presided on the worst economic recovery since World War II as Barack Obama’s vice president, could oversee one even worse
Yup. All of a sudden we have industry supply shortages, prices increases aka inflation and a very tippy top stock market looking for an excuse to go way down. Not to mention global conflict flare ups. The economy and stock market have lost their traction. Won't take much for a knock down. + the trust is gone.
The divorce legally separates the assets/money for sure.
>>13694948 Supreme Court Unanimously Rules That Warrantless Gun Seizures Are Illegal (pb)
They actually reread the Constitution and had their morning coffee at the same time. Very good! American people also want to know. What were your last memories of RBG? Did she look and seem the same in her last year? How many conversation between you and her? Questions could be important some day.
Don't ever let the MSM take the lead on defining History. They'll run you right back into that box you were taught when you learned your ABC's.
Off topic. How to stay healthy in an unhealthy time period.
How much bullshit do we have to put up with. And he he thinks he looks mad. What a joke. The joker of Maricopa.
Family squabble. Cain and Abel from the grave. The retro version. My advice. Stop before you're all dead.
Why would he do that.
The invasion of the Soviet Union was originally given the code name Operation Fritz, but as preparations began, Hitler renamed it Operation Barbarossa, after Holy Roman emperor Frederick Barbarossa (reigned 1152–90), who sought to establish German predominance in Europe.
I hope it's not photoshopped I need a good laugh.
That's a good point.
She dropped her car keys. But wants ME to get them. I'll THINK about it.
I wonder how many degrees of brainwashing it takes to get to Governor in America these days. Probable differs state by state depending on who's got control.
"Good Morning. Wednesday morning"
On January 6, 2021, the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C., was stormed during a riot and violent attack against the U.S. Congress. A mob of supporters of President Donald Trump attempted to overturn his defeat in the 2020 presidential election by disrupting the joint session of Congress assembled to count electoral votes to formalize Joe Biden's victory
Convert it to untraceable US American Dollar cash like all money laundering schemes. Hail the mighty Crypto. They made it so easy. Don't need blood diamonds.