=Disinfo being spread about TX bill 1669 by AMA/Texas Tribune=
They are stating all vaccine requirements would be banned, the current substitute for the bill only bans mandates and discriminatory practices for COVID and any futureunapprovedvaccines. So the AMA is being purposely deceptive and is lobbying for forced vaccinations. Wonder who is paying them off..
Committee substitute:
While we would have liked to pass the filed bill out of committee, acknowledging that time left this session is short, Senator Hall offered a committee a substitute to the bill on Monday making it apply toonly COVID-19 vaccines and future experimentalvaccines that are not fully FDA approved. This substitute is responsive to most objections offered in the hearing and it covers the most prevalent and likely immediate threat we are facing in Texas, forced COVID-19 Vaccination or discrimination and segregation over COVID-19 vaccine or immunity status.
On Thursday, 4 days after the committee substitute was presented, the president of the Texas Medical Association launched a misinformation and distraction advocacy campaign aimed at funneling opposition to Senate State Affairs Committee members against SB 1669 as if it were the filed version of the bill. It is clear that TMA is pushing for forced vaccinations.
We are close to passing our substitute bill out of committee and just need a couple more Senators who are on the fence in the committee to be supportive.. They need to be told the bill is only for COVID-19 vaccines and the damage to Texas families is real unless they take action. We need your help to get the message to them loud and clear on why this is important to your family