Who says Stratcom doesn't monitor QR comms?
Now we have an E4B ODIN99 out of Lincoln, NE on patrol in the midwest.
Who says Stratcom doesn't monitor QR comms?
Now we have an E4B ODIN99 out of Lincoln, NE on patrol in the midwest.
Reddit chick should be so lucky. Whatever sammiches this girl's been eating, we need to pass out for free.
Never happen. Since the whole flying schtick is about education and training. Every sortie is passive recruiting…except for the ones that come back shot up…or don't come back at all. Those aren't.
Reminds me of my ex…except the ex was fitter. Of course, I screwed that up too. She'd keep you young though.
I can get 'em. Just can't keep 'em. It must be them. Totally them. This op helps keep my dating life simple. Go on a date…what do you do? explain this…date ends. Still doing this anyways…I'll get back to the crazy game after this crazy game is settled one way or another. So far it's dragging on and needs mo haps.
Probably us still doing this and slugging Geritol.
Trips of fineness.
You filtered a fully clothed, fully grown adult woman? You need the filter.
Teamwork, Anon. Help her find them.
Remember that flight of three King Airs that went from Ft. Huachuca to Salt Lake City and back a couple weeks ago? I siad the only reason to send three small planes vs one big one is redundancy…whatever you're carrying CAN NOT BE LOST.
What's in SLC? The NSA data warehouse.
Where is Ft. Huachuca? Arizona. I'll see if I can find the cap in the dumpster fire of caps I never name.