Justice is Coming™
Trust the Plan™
Nothing Can Stop What is Coming™
Justice is Coming™
Trust the Plan™
Nothing Can Stop What is Coming™
Watch the Water™
Think Mirror™
Use Discernment™
Be Careful Who You Follow™
Trust Sessions™
Trust Wray™
Why the fuck is ChodeMuncher still talked about around here? Definitely a snake oil salesman.
or…he's just a mark for himself.
Ron Howard's best role yet.
>TFW you realized you were a pawn in a military ctl+alt+delete you though you were a part of. Thanks Trump. You were a phenomenal actor.
Oh yeah, the blue screen of death is about to rain down upon us
>Q is Pence. Pence always wanted Trump to fail.
Pence is a fuckin' Smurf.
You don't exist. This is all a cosmic fever dream.
Ah yes, the prediction that failed as soon as it was posted. Well done. Keep dreaming.
Sounds like a BDAnon post. They were always wrong too.
How can anyone get behind ANY organized religion. They're all tainted. Dunno how you couldn't figure that out when you figured out the Vatican was corrupt too. The things you have been taught to trust the most, are all a lie.
Quit being a cunt. You're not filtering anyone. You're just being an obnoxious twat.
I am the Walrus
If you were actually filtering anyone, you'd just do it, and STFU about it.
Headbutt a bus, douche.
May 19, 2021…
…and Q has ZERO wins.
Q will continue to have ZERO wins.
You bought into false promises & riddles.
Enjoy the Show™
Q fists goats.
Q chugs moose jizz.
Justice is Coming™
Trust Sessions™
Trust Wray™
Trust the Plan™
Nothing Can Stop What is Coming™
My fellow Americans… the Storm is Upon Us.
You have more than you know.
Q doesn't have a single win.
Not one.
How does that make you feel, QTards?
>believe Biden is running things, seriously? do ya honestly, really, truly think he's in charge?
Perception is reality, and until that changes…
Knock it off, Faggot.
You are a gaping, prolapsed anus.
Schumann Slide Bullshit.
Dumbass Clockfagging bullshit.
Don't worry…just moar nothingburgers.
Moar nothing
>Its been over six months since the election and still… nothing has been done about anyone or anything.
Yeah, it all went to shit real quick.
And nothing will happen.
Just like all the nothing before.
Pacification Op worked like a charm.
Now comes the demoralization and defeat.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
Nah, believing assholes like Chodemonkey and all the Paytriots is why we lost.
"Trust there are more good than bad."
One of Q's most Kekworthy quotes.
>shut up
Oh man, you got me good. Kek.
Guess I should counter proportionately…
…said the tampon
MiLiTaRy Is ThE oNlY wAy
Good luck with that, since they're comped, cucked, and "woke"…
Nah, busy fish-hookin' your mother.
Update: Joe Biden already knows his fake stolen presidency is crashed.'''
The upcoming Civil War is not between the American people it is a well planned forPublic Safetyclandestine operation that's goals are to apprehend the organizers and anyone involved in the stolen elections of 2020 mainly the presidential election.MAGA PATRIOTS Already Know Exactly Who You Are.
Heavily armed MAGA Patriots be ready to deploy a very well plannedMILITARY OPERATIONand kick doors in at 4:00 AM and arrest your target, command leaders will have a dossier on each individual involved in 2020 voter FRAUD.
Law Enforcement and Military can't do their job so they need to stand down and let the American people do what's right and avoid unnecessary bloodshed because they will be out numbered 1000 to 1.
We're Going In And We're Going In Hot
PATRIOTS you are supported by the Constitution and Advanced WeaponryPATRIOTSmust protect this nation from all enemies foreign and domestic.
Disclaimer:''OP is only passing on vital information and is not an activist or a gun owner and is not affiliated with any political groups.''
Will update as updates come available.
NEGROID did you suck a black NEGROID Weiner….lol
Actually, this is false. TOR works most reliably for me. Unfortunate side effect of that…is, yeah…being grouped with the shills Is what it is.
Fist yourself.
''The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that capital punishment is neither unconstitutional nor "cruel and unusual punishment," and exists within the boundaries of the 8th and 14th amendments.''
>>13699825 <~ My only post of this bread, prior to the one you responded to. Believe me, or don't…I don't give a damn.
Shit on your homosexual NEGROID Weiner..lol
You should find the nearest sidewalk…and headbutt it as hard as you can.
You should try to expand your vocabulary.
I'd be pretty angry too if I had such limited communication skills.
Grab a dictionary and get to work.
Watermelon Typewriter Felony
Melodic Hamster Boomerang
Pine Tractor Doorknob
Lake Wheelchair Nobel
Fornicate yourself with a road cone, shitnuts.