>good thing there weren't any children on the USS Liberty, huh?
>This is why soldiers are often warned not to march in step on bridges because the frequency could match the structure's natural frequency.
Basic training at Lackland AFB, TX. After getting the hang of marching in lock step, we had to march over a bridge and NOT march
in lock step, and suddenly that was a very difficult thing to do.
Mickey D's in Thailand.
>Filtering is a sign of a weak mind.
Fuck that. When I see Marriage is: show up, for instance, I toss that shit in the trash.
I got a handy tool to clear the bread of garbage, and I use it.
> anime fag
I keep hoping that someday he'll get his shit together, throttle back the stupid banter,
quit inflating Bloatables with self-nommed BS, and just fucking bake without drama.
I wanna throw an arm around him like he's a retarded step-brother in need of help.
>You are what you expose yourself too.
I've seen it all. Sick CP gets reviewed, reported, and filtered. Drug cartels hacking off limbs
with a machete? Seen it, filtered it. I've seen the best and the worst of the world. It's all about
preserving focus and intention, and using available tools towards that end.
>Anime baker = Marriage is: shill
Yeah, I've seen that. His persona seems to go through transitions from bread to bread. Very strange, yet intriguing.
>Much love
Much love right back.
The cruelty of the world makes me tough, hardened, and solid as rock and iron.
The beauty of the world loosens my spirit and turns me into a being of light ten feet tall.
Love, grace, and compassion are the only things that make me cry anymore.