Why were most retirees so gullible? I figured they would have a better perspective on all this. I converse with a group of expat retirees (well I used to), and every one of them was a narrative slave to the MSM. Show them the science. Smug beyond belief in their elder wisdom and ability to discern the danger of Covid despite all the conspiracy theorists. Fuckin' made me sick. They could not be reasoned with.
I got a prediction.
After the commies destroy California and everyone leaves, it will be a great place to pick up cheap property and relocate to. This may take awhile. Kind of like gentrification, on a state level. Just need to wait until it looks like Beirut first.
Dude. I cannot believe you think his persona or presentation to us here is in any way accurate. Who or whatever Ron is, he is obviously part of the larger game, part of the psy-op, part of the plan or whatever you want to call it. Thinking of him as some random coder dude in a cowboy hat is exactly missing the point.
I said a couple breads back Q would post today. There's an energy sorta. Let's see.
My advice since Jan. 20 has been reject and ignore everything about the Fed. govt, since it is a foreign-occupied entity. Work all matters and solutions through your own State. Personally I think it will take a convention of states to re-adopt the 1871 constitution, but even if the country broke apart into coalitions, that would be better than what we have today. The fed. gov. no longer exists.
To follow up that thought, I wonder what would happen if most states simply withdrew their Senators and House representatives? At some point maybe Congress would not have enough for a quorum.
God wins
Nice get
Seems like an open and shut case even without the routers, but….
What about router RECORDS lets say at the telecom central station / server thingy? Think Nashville.
That's normally a MQ9 drone. It flies around that area from time to time, my guess is checking out shipping in the bay. Another one flies out of Malta and often goes up over Italy to the southern Ukraine area. They are cool.
Can't escape the feeling that crypto is just another DARPA-type larp designed to trap people into a new fiat system. I mean they could fuck with the crypto regulations at the snap of a finger, just wait until the whole world economy runs on it.
Then make sure you can't actually USE it unless you are a good little citizen with proper vax credentials.
My guess is they have to kill the flame. Can't allow a spark. Clown factory, fuck them.