I am replacing the sticky threads with spam free reposts. They should be in a must more usable and presentable state. Still a work in progress but it's looking much better already. I'm doing it this way instead of manually deleting the spam posts one by one because it's just not worth the ridiculous amount of time. Recreating the threads is much quicker.
If the old stickied threads are linked to in the dough, the links will need to be updated to the new threads.
Here are the new stickies.
>>13699736 /qresearch/ Meta Thread
>>13699687 Letters of Gratitude
>>13699763 Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta: 3rd edition
>>13699805 Research Tools and Techniques (Repost)
That last one will be locked just until I'm done repopulating it with the links from the older bread. Enjoy the night anons.