Captain Marvel ID: 061eb9 Cyber Polygon Pandemic July 10, 2021, 11:35 p.m. No.14098849   🗄️.is 🔗kun

They’re about to kick food shortages into high gear along with other necessities. You think this only happens in 3rd world countries? Hell no…UNLESS REAL PATRIOTS STEP UP AND END THOSE SLIME BALL ROBBER BARONS!


We know about Project Blue Beam. We know jesuits have been controlling things since the 1100’s. We know about the coming bullshit “alien disclosure” and false flag alien attack. I’ve seen photos of all the various black project flying craft. We know about HAARP antennas around the planet. We know the CIA killed JFK. We know Woody Harrelson’s father was a CIA hitman who shot JFK in the throat. We know another CIA hitman fired the kill shot from the sewer opening in the sidewalk curb. We know “covid” only exists as a sequence in a computer.




And he just admitted they’ve gotten really good at using these weapons.🤦🏻‍♀️




Captain Marvel ID: 061eb9 JUST RELEASED…???????????? July 10, 2021, 11:42 p.m. No.14098876   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Flat Earth…..

Free Energy Tech in OUR PAST…..

Sacred Geometry Sites on Earth…..


WHERE WE ARE HEADED IN THE 2160 years age, leaving Pisces for Aquarius…the next reset…The Great Year…the DARK SIDE OF THE EARTH…REFLECTED IN THE MOON!!! Pink Floyd fans have missed the message entirely! It’s about the dark side of the EARTH! ☪️✝️✡️☸️♒️


“STAR STATIONS”…Earth once had a free energy source grid!!! The assholes like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers (including Billy Boy Gates who is a Rockefeller via the Gifford branch of the family tree) and the Zoro Astrian priestcult bloodlines HAVE ALL BUT COMPLETELY DESTROYED OUR ORIGINAL ADVANCED CULTURES. THEY HAVE REVERSE ENGINEERED OUR REALITY AND THEY WILL CONTINUE IF NOT STOPPED RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!






I’ve watched this twice. Just watched again with my spouse. Unbelievable. Ol’ Billy Boy Gates is featured as the “demon” that he is. No wonder they’ve been lying to us. No wonder they want us dead. NO WONDER WHY THEY ARE SO SCARED AND DESPERATE.


AND THEY CAN’T STOP IT. So they’re gearing up for the next big false flag. They’re saying this “cyber pandemic” will make “covid” pale in comparison.







Captain Marvel ID: 061eb9 The reset, not the future you expect July 12, 2021, 11:34 a.m. No.14107877   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The entire gov is pirating parasites. EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM YOU SEE ARE USEFUL IDIOTS. If they’re killed off, you then know they disagreed with this [next] reset. Ask the murdered Haiti president what happens when you tell evil tech corporations you are not going to allow the withholding of food from starving people unless they “voluntarily” get the jab.


They need our kids to be and think the way they want after offing all the adults. They’ve done this before.


The last reset was LESS THAN 500 YEARS AGO. Our history has been rewritten. The bibles have been rewritten. Religion used as mindcontrol. When all that stops working, they hit the reset button.


And this is a definite plausible explanation as to all the millions of orphaned children that started appearing around 1860. The vatican shipped millions of kids around the planet to repopulate countries. There are photos of only all kids working in factories. Vatican trained children. They are doing it again. This must be stopped!


The Lost History of Earth


Stolen History: Lifting the Veil of Deception

Part 1


Part 2

Captain Marvel ID: 061eb9 INFO TO FIGHT THE FORCED JABS Aug. 4, 2021, 11:42 p.m. No.14273656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3844

Here’s some basic need to know info. All the “cases” are influenza and radiation pneumonia…ALL THE SAME SYMPTOMS AS “COVID”.


DuckDuckGo Search- 5G+radiation+pneumonia.




The CDC admitted last week they had no virus to test….


CDC is a PRIVATE FOR-PROFIT PHARMA CORPORATION with stakeholders that make billions of dollars every year on vaccines…..


Dr David E Martin, Patent Expert

The reason businesses are being used to force the not vaccines is because of Commerce Code which supersedes the United States Constitution of America. HOWEVER, when in violation of antitrust laws, which every part of this scamdemic is doing, the Constitution is in force. No one going to court arguing the Constitution and Amendment rights is going to win, including Trump. IT HAS TO BE ABOUT ANTITRUST!


Understanding the Law

Part 1


Part 2


Above the Law, Willful Practice of Ignorance


The Patent Papertrail…this is the basis for the lawsuit filed by 1000 lawyers and 10,000 doctors…..



Claim: Realistically, More Than Half A Million Americans Are Now Dead Because Of Covid Vaccines…..


Dr Peter McCullough, URGENT WARNING about poisonous jabs, “An Agonizing Situation”…he’s connected with the big lawsuit mentioned above…..


Pfizer Sure Did Make A Lot Of Billions This Past Quarter….


“Covid” only exists as a sequence, AI generated….


The Case of Missing Death Benefits

(He’s giddy about sharing this one)


Was the Haiti president murdered because he didn’t think food should be used as an incentive to starving people to get them to “voluntarily” get the jab as directed by an evil corporation?


David has loads of vids and there are many, many more sources……


•Dr Andrew Kaufman

•Dr Carrie Madej

•Dr Sheri Tenpenny (has a vaxx-damaged child; she says some very smart people are working on a vaxx reversal or cure)

•Dr Suzanne Humphries

•Dr Andrew Wakefield, his docu just premiered…

The Act, (goes back through vaccine history and exposes a lot of dirty deeds)…..

•Robert Kennedy Jr

•Del Bigtree

•Children’s Health Defense


And so many more doctors and scientists including Nobel prize winners.


This reset has been published on the World Economic Forum web site since before all this started. They published all their plans that they admit they’re been working on the past 50 years, all under the umbrella of “covid”.


There is more evidence and more spilling out every single day. We are in full swing of the apocalypse where everything hidden is being exposed.


"Corporations, which should be the carefully restrained creatures of the law and the servants of the people, are fast becoming the people's masters."

–Grover Cleveland, 1864


"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As the result of the War, corporations have been enthroned. An era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people…until wealth is aggregated in a few hands…and the Republic is destroyed."

-Abraham Lincoln, 1864


"No people will tamely surrender their Liberties…when knowledge is diffused and virtue is preserved"

  • Sam Adams


This is the problem. People just don’t know and have been intentionally made ignorant by the priestcult. Knowledge and resistance is the only way to stop them. I invoke the universal force to protect all of you and your families.🙏🏼🌀


“If you want to know the secrets of

the universe, think in terms of

energy, frequency and vibration.”

-Nikola Tesla⚡️

Captain Marvel ID: 061eb9 ANTITRUST VIOLATIONS ALL OVER! Aug. 5, 2021, 10:37 p.m. No.14281572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3844

COVID-19 Anti-Trust Argument


Some of this information was submitted to the Office of the Inspector General for the United States Department of Health and Human Services on April 22, 2020


Request for Investigation - Possible Sherman Act Violation


Citizens of the United States of America




United States Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Robert R Redfield, et al.

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Anthony Stephen Fauci, et al.

Governors of All States Issuing Executive Orders abridging the 1st Amendment of the Constitution

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Professor Ralph Baric, et al.

And unknown Parties


On April 25, 2003, the United States Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter, “CDC”) filed an application for a United States patent (Application Number US46592703P, subsequently issued as U.S. Patent 7,776,521 and U.S. Patent 7,220,852) entitled “Coronavirus isolated from humans”. Claim 3 –A method of detecting a severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in a sample…; and, Claim 4 - A kit for detecting a severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in a sample…, provided the CDC with a statutory market exclusion right the detection of and sampling for severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV). Securing this right afforded the CDC exclusive right to research, commercially exploit, or block others from conducting activities involving SARS-CoV. On September 24, 2018, the CDC failed to pay the required maintenance fees on this patent and their rights expired.


From April 2003 until September 2018, the CDC owned SARS-CoV, its ability to be detected and the ability to manufacture kits for its assessment. During this 15-year period, the effect of the grant of this right – ruled unconstitutional in 2013 by the United States Supreme Court in the case of Association for Molecular Pathology et al. v. Myriad Genetics – meant that the commercial exploitation of any research or commercial activity in the United States involving SARS-CoV would constitute an infringement of CDC’s illegal patent.


It appears that, during the period of patent enforcement and after the Supreme Court ruling confirming that patents on genetic material was illegal, the CDC and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases led by Anthony Fauci (hereinafter “NIAID” and "Dr Fauci", respectively) entered into trade among States (including, but not limited to working with Ecohealth Alliance Inc.) and with foreign nations (specifically, the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences) through the 2014 et seq National Institutes of Health Grant R01AI110964 to exploit their patent rights.


It further appears that, during the period of patent enforcement and after the Supreme Court ruling confirming that patents on genetic material were illegal, the CDC and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (hereinafter “NIAID”) entered into trade among States (including, but not limited to working with University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) and with foreign nations (specifically, the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences represented by Zheng-Li Shi) through U19AI109761 (Ralph S. Baric), U19AI107810 (Ralph S. Baric), and National Natural Science Foundation of China Award 81290341 (Zheng-Li Shi) et al.


It further appears that, during the period of patent enforcement and after the Supreme Court ruling confirming that patents on genetic material was illegal, the CDC and NIAID entered into trade among States (including, but not limited to working with University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) and with foreign nations to conduct chimeric construction of novel coronavirus material with specific virulence properties prior to, during, and following the determination made by the National Institutes for Health in October 17, 2014 that this work was not sufficiently understood for its biosecurity and safety standards.


In this inquiry, it is presumed that the CDC and its associates were: a) fully aware of the work being performed using their patented technology; b) entered into explicit or implicit agreements including licensing, or other consideration; and, c) willfully engaged one or more foreign interests to carry forward the exploitation of their proprietary technology when the U.S. Supreme Court confirmed that such patents were illegal and when the National Institutes of Health issued a moratorium on such research.


The aforementioned items appear to constitute, “contract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy,” as defined under 15 US Code § 1.


Continued at link below👇🏼


Dr. David E. Martin – all Whistleblower Rights and Protections Reserved

Captain Marvel ID: 061eb9 DR DAVID E MARTIN BIO Aug. 5, 2021, 10:46 p.m. No.14281622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3844

His first invention was a laser integrated system to target and treat inoperable tumors. His mathematics helped unravel the way the human body processes hormones and led to the detection and treatment of many diseases. His observation of human behavior led to his development of technology which deciphers the intention and motivation of communication – a technology that has impacted and saved the lives of billions. His global business activities served to develop the world’s top-performing global equity index (including the CNBC IQ100 powered by M·CAM). He’s brought the world’s largest white-collar criminals to justice and brought the world’s most oppressed and disenfranchised transformative ways to engage. From the starry expanses of Mongolia to the flashing lights of New York, his work is as passion-filled whether it’s with a camel herder or a global CEO.


He tells his own story in the critically acclaimed documentary Future Dreaming and breaks down economic injustice in Patent Wars. An author, public speaker, business visionary, professor, researcher, oracle, father, and friend, David is a man Fully Living.


All that was in the first 50 years, now that he is warmed up even greater things are coming! Equipped with his ‘Integral Accounting insights’ and his ‘Breathing Enterprise implementation’, what’s happening today is more interesting than everything before. And the best thing of all is that, if you’d like to experience what it’s like to be fully living, you can be part of the action! Together with Kim Martin – the woman that taught him some of his most important lessons about fully living – and a core team of masterful colleagues, you too can step into the full essence of what it means to Fully Live!


Dr. David E. Martin is the Founder and Chairman of M·CAM Inc., the international leader in innovation finance, trade, and intangible asset finance. He is the developer of the first innovation-based quantitative index of public equities and is the Managing Partner of the Purple Bridge Funds. He is the creator of the world’s first quantitative public equity index – the CNBC IQ100 powered by M·CAM. Actively engaged in global ethical economic development, Dr. Martin’s work includes financial engineering and investment, public speaking, writing and providing financial advisory services to the majority of countries in the world. Dr. Martin is the architect and founder of the Global Innovation Commons and is the author of the international legal framework for the Heritable Knowledge Trust and Heritable Innovation Trust programs. He has pioneered global programs to bring corporate and stock market transparency to multi-national extractive industries and has been instrumental in repatriating value to countries which have been subject to corporate and financial abuses. His work on ethical engagement and stewardship of community and commons-based value interests is at the forefront of global financial innovation. Dr. Martin is a Batten Fellow at the University of Virginia’s Darden Graduate School of Business Administration. He served as Chair of Economic Innovation for the UN-affiliated Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization and has served as an advisor to numerous Central Banks, global economic forums, the World Bank and International Finance Corporation, and national governments.


A spokesperson for global financial and intangible asset accountability and quality reform, Dr. Martin has worked closely with the United States Congress and numerous trade and financial regulatory agencies in the United States, Europe, and Asia in advocating and deploying infrastructure to support growing reliance on contract and proprietary rights in business transactions. Under the leadership of Dr. Martin, M·CAM has supported the modernization of banking, intangible asset, tax, and accounting laws through its work with oversight agencies and policy makers.



Captain Marvel ID: 061eb9 CDC INC!!! Aug. 5, 2021, 10:51 p.m. No.14281650   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"Corporations, which should be the carefully restrained creatures of the law and the servants of the people, are fast becoming the people's masters." 

–Grover Cleveland, 1864

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As the result of the War, corporations have been enthroned. An era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people…until wealth is aggregated in a few hands…and the Republic is destroyed."

-Abraham Lincoln, 1864


"No people will tamely surrender their Liberties…when knowledge is diffused and virtue is preserved" 
- Sam Adams

Captain Marvel ID: 061eb9 FAKE DELTA VARIANT Aug. 5, 2021, 10:55 p.m. No.14281668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3844 >>2482

CDC RELEASES STUDY SHOWING 3/4 [FAKE] DELTA CASES ARE AMONG THE VAXXED. These assholes couldn’t tell the truth to save their own souls.

Captain Marvel ID: 061eb9 WTF?!!! Aug. 5, 2021, 10:57 p.m. No.14281678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3844

Unbelievable…the private for-profit corporation known as the CDC, with stakeholders who make billions of dollars every year on vaccines, is publicly ADMITTING their flawed PCR test can not differentiate between flu and “covid” and exposes this whole scam!


Just last week, they admitted they never had “the virus” to begin with to even test for it. I adamantly doubt there will be such a test, there will just be more numbers pulled from their secret vault.


And if anyone truly believes that their number of only around 600+ cases of flu last year is true, after they’ve reported 10’s of thousands of influenza cases every year for decades, I’ve got some wetlands to sell them.


Antitrust laws are being violated all over the place with businesses forcing masks and jabs. They have made an agreement/contract with the CDC PRIVATE FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION that they are not disclosing to you, who they are also in agreement with to do business. This argument can and will be won in court.