Your New Thread Freezes While Posting
Upon clicking 'New Thread' to create your new thread, the page sticks on 'posting' forever.
If this happens, open up a new tab, open the catalog, press ctrl&F5 together to refresh the page, look for your new thread.
It will probably be there somewhere in the top two rows. If so, click to open it up and reply from there. Close your frozen 'posting' tab.
If it's not there, start from scratch.
You Name The Thread With The Incorrect Number
If you do this, you're a faggot who didn't quadruple check. No worries.
Let the BO know and ask them to rename it.
On your first top post of the thread, beside the thread title, click on the triangle and 'report'.
Type in 'BO, please rename as #444. TY, Baker'. BO will rename soon and let you know in the thread.
Make a clear announcement as soon as you can in the thread to stop any complaints -
Incorrect Thread Number. This is #832
I have requested that the BO change it. Sorry folks, baker.
Two Threads Are Made At The Same Time
If this happens, report the other thread as above, and request that the BO delete it.
Make a clear post in the wrong thread, directing anons to the correct thread. Include link.
You Make A Mistake
If this happens, fess up and say sorry in a clear post, as fast as you can. This stops confusion and complaints.
If confusion or complaints persist, make another announcement.