thanQ baker.
(no redshirt kek)
History, very recent
THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot
Much Love and Many Blessings
imagine someone telling one who thinks for oneself that all shills have been dealt with and everything ins comfy and fuzzy …
… then come to realize several dozen posts later that someones aquantances show up with the same 300 year old archeological shillstuff as always … ?!? …
probably just my humble opinion 🤔
imagine someone telling one who thinks for oneself that all shills have been dealt with and everything ins comfy and fuzzy …
… then come to realize several dozen posts later that someones aquantances show up with the same 300 year old archeological shillstuff as always … ?!? …
probably just my humble opinion 🤔
we see you