demonrats poo schmuck Parma
Taking the power given by all AMERICANS to persecute DONALD TRUMP and his POLITICAL SUPPORTERS
maddcow & fellow commie sympathizers - nothing but murdering killers - violent remorseless seeking no redemption
demonrats poo schmuck Parma
Taking the power given by all AMERICANS to persecute DONALD TRUMP and his POLITICAL SUPPORTERS
maddcow & fellow commie sympathizers - nothing but murdering killers - violent remorseless seeking no redemption
excuse me hall monitor, where is the bathroom โ you need a toiley swirly shimmy hairdo
nursing home fentanyl stupor policy is being spun as
quiet and intensive policy
msdnc - you better step it up or pops gonna run you over with company car FORD F-150
if biden is using a FORD F-150 to kill journalists by running them over for asking questions
does that make FORD a military contractor or is it a straight up state actor like twat; msm
he means the demonrats, or in other words the
blm antifa zionist juhs in israel who are bombing the same antia blm supporters in palestine
slackerJoe will run you over in a FORD F-150 if you dare call out his lack of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY
(TARDLOVER - reponds with: why wouldn't he, its positively.., he's had the strongest record of all previous presidents in their first 100 days - Venezueula - Zimbabwe - Russia took way longer to destroy compared to our precious leader success!โฆ
ritalin abusing msdnc spazzing out โ going from antifa blmSAY HIS NAME - BRUCEto
orange man bad CRIMINAL AMERICANS who support orange man bad โCRIMINAL
perhaps he's a charming and likable as juanita - andrea and hilldawg
media all up in ed bucks butt - plug style over orange man bad having called em -'THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE'
you are the enemy of the PEOPLE
who are these insufferable chameleon hyeneas
everybody sees how stupid you look sound and act
STUPID is the only shit that makes sense from the shit that comes out of your mouths