On the off-chance you are not actually shills but well-meaning retards:
The more you persist in your stupid fucking tribalist pushing over with bv and other bakers (and it's been going on for a long fucking while), the less people care about you and whatever issues you seem to be having.
You cunts don't seem to understand the purpose of an uncensored anonymous finger-puppeting forum, and neither do you understand the purpose of this entire thing.
You are not gatekeepers. You are collators of information that fits into what we know. The method in which the information is provided is under the sole discretion of the poster. If you can't separate what is legit information from the chaff of your own pre-programming, fuck off and die.On the off-chance you are not actually shills but well-meaning retards:
The more you persist in your stupid fucking tribalist pushing over with bv and other bakers (and it's been going on for a long fucking while), the less people care about you and whatever issues you seem to be having.
You cunts don't seem to understand the purpose of an uncensored anonymous finger-puppeting forum, and neither do you understand the purpose of this entire thing.
You are not gatekeepers. You are collators of information that fits into what we know. The method in which the information is provided is under the sole discretion of the poster. If you can't separate what is legit information from the chaff of your own pre-programming, fuck off and die.