He's projecting his own dull nature onto others.
Deep State actors all have one thing in common - they project their own qualities onto others.
He's projecting his own dull nature onto others.
Deep State actors all have one thing in common - they project their own qualities onto others.
You're projecting again - knowing one knows not is the necessary condition to ever know anything. It is possible to know Biden is projecting because her can't account for the same within himself. This does not equate to knowing everything.
Not Chinese, Islamic.
China is a scapegoat - the Islamic Deep State wants everyone to hate China because China (correctly) designated Islam an infectious disease, hence the Islamic Deep State planted the Covid-19 jihad virus there.
You're stuck in a looping projection, mate. Please take a look at yourself in the mirror - you will have to when you die anyways, so better to do it beforehand.
McCain with the real "Jews" - the Muhammadans.
The real "Jews" of this planet are not holding a Torah, but a Qur'an. That's the deception they have had going for 1400 years - worshiping a single book yet designating others as Jews.
Wake up people - House of Islam = House of Jew (sorry if that upsets you, but it's the truth)
The Jews of yesterday are the Muhammadans of today. They are all book-worshippers who worship sexual degeneracy.
Who does this describe:
Male central figure orator warlord who:
i. amassed power via public oration
ii. weaponized the state against his political adversaries
iii. expanded militarily while signing & breaking "peace" treaties
iv. used the power of the state to commit mass organized genocides &
v. went down blaming "Jews"
Adolph Hitler? Or Muhammad?
Or both. It is the same archetype. Hitler did not realize who the real "Jews" were until the very end - the Muslim Brotherhood, the same he was deceived by. Islam is the ideological root of Nazism & they (the real "Jews") control the MSM, Google/FB/Twitter/Antifa/BLM etc.
They hide behind Torah Jews while/as being the real "Jews". That's the deception.
Projecting the crimes of the House of Islam onto Torah Jews (that is their modus operandi).
The Qur'an instructs Muhammadans to kill non-Muslims. They project this same activity onto Jews to distract from their own genocides.
Hitler was deceived/controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood, the real "Jews" Hitler never uncovered.
The same controls the fascist geopolitical Left.
There is only one thing needed to be understood:
Between a "believer" and an "unbeliever", only a "believer" can "believe" themselves superior to others and/or others are inferior to them. An "unbeliever" can not do this. Follows: all Nazis/supremacists are pinned to one side of any "believer vs. unbeliever" conflict.
The question(s) "who divides humanity on the basis of believer vs. unbeliever?" and "what is the root of Nazism?" are practically the same question, thus having the same answer: Islam.
Christianity did the same prior to - the deeper problem here is related to "belief" itself. An all-knowing god would know all not to "believe" thus be rooted in the absence of belief, not the presence of it.
Oh, it's the projector again who can not account for what is really inside of themselves.
Muhammad was the very same.
There is no substitute for consciously knowing. Between knowing (of) ones self and "believing" (in) ones self, it would take a believer to believe themselves to be something they are not.
Beliefs are like fruits - people are tempted to believe whatever they want to be true. What is actually true may not be pleasant, what is pleasant may not be true.
Correct. Once you know a/the truth, you can therefrom discern any/all forms of deception.
For example - if you know Muhammad pathologically accused "Jews" of everything he was himself guilty of, you may know the House of Islam has a pathology of psychological projection wherein they too accuse "Jews" of everything they are themselves guilty of. See all the Muh Jew shills on here posting "it's the Jews!" propaganda? They're projecting their own "Jew" nature just as Muhammad did. The geopolitical Left has this same pathology of projection - projecting Russia Collusion onto Trump, for example. They get their pathology from Islam (who controls them).
There needs to be a global rejection of the "believer vs. unbeliever" division - with such a rejection comes the undermining of Nazism/Islam.
It's 100% man-made - scapegoating the problem onto a creator is demonstrative of failure to take personal responsibility (the same the original sin of Adam, no less).
There is no division caused by a creator - such is itself a belief-based ignorance. The sheep/goat analogy is a product of man, not a creator.
Sheep tend to flock whereas goats climb mountains. I'd rather be a goat than a sheep.
Sorry about your personal feelings.
Hitler fell into the hands of the real "Jews" - the Muslim Brotherhood. He shot himself when he realized.
Yes, now that the Islamic Deep State has their goyim Biden in office they want to destroy Israel. The U.S. will follow (hence the need to remove Trump).
They're Muhammadans, who are actually the real "Jews" of this planet. They accuse Torah Jews of all of their own crimes, hence their Muh Jew propaganda.