You an OG baker?
Not as OG as you but the board needs bakers and quite frankly, notables are diff with each baker, give it go and see what habbens, board needs you
learn to bake is in the dough
ask q's if you got em
I was hooked up in Dec of 17, I think I member two moves mabbe, didn't post for 6 months and did bake for another year after that, when FJ took over the board
pretty qool
I took that whole lurk moar seriously
glad I did, glad there are moar of out here
never did pol and half chins, chan culture was a big enough shock for me
still is
intimidated is a good start on that, along with offended, angered and shocked, took some time to acclimate, lots of it actually
oh no, never a snowflake, old oldfag, seen too much early on in 60's and 70's for that but I'm glad there are lots of melted ones here, I been jaded a long time