critical race theory
a way to discredit anyone opposing the demonrat theology
critical race theory
a way to discredit anyone opposing the demonrat theology
its just a polorized class
only the journo's laugh
you can hear the nursiing home killer canckle
he's setting example at blm antifa destroy cities demonrat style – and poop on the lawn
wow - looks like a win either way
dimissal - Page and individual class action should then immediately sue under the same precedent for injuries actionable by Department for future conspiracy against the taxpayer - the People of the USA
thank you hall monitor , you an excellent biden clapper!!
no to the Parmasian
turd tard gore porn shill in
boring sleepy af -
crimes abound swamp gets the calp
critical race bully
you're supposed to cheer for participation mumbling nonsensical stutterings like you do all day long - lazy ass dumb boring clueless nigger - now CLAP before you get runned over by a F-F150
acceptable mask speech
circle back grad news
slackerJoe calling it a lid for the long weekend
4 msdnc enemy seeking rocket launchers - thiink thar blm antifa dropping bombs on palestine - dunno -anywares –
orange man bad is criminal ← very bad orange man bad
hunter parmasiano sammich - yammich!
this has got to be either maddcow' udder or hellie hackson
frivolous lawsuit indicate loss or lack of ammo
garage sale starting – closet full of diapers (extras - too small) and
empty glass bottles (excellent or throwing at police (not capitol pollice - defund all others-ok), buildings, or innocent bystanders))
demontraitors founded in marxism demand commissions and investigations to find crimes as they wail shriek and howl over lies fraud and secrecy. Focus is not on jobs, border security and freedom liberty and the pursuit of happiness – Family, Country, GOD!
do not enable the commies and thar sympathizers