Reeeeeeeeeeeeeee was gonna post that.
Anyways, Jim says it's ok to post traps on the kun as long as you don't show the pee pee.
Reeeeeeeeeeeeeee was gonna post that.
Anyways, Jim says it's ok to post traps on the kun as long as you don't show the pee pee.
Cogent - thx
TY Lazy Nigger News
He's Gamestop Anon - has a running battle with some other Anons.
Inside baseball not notable.
Look, either you want to watch the Baker Wars are you don't.
Stop being a FilterFag that asks wut habbened please.
Dammit you triggered me into a grammy cat violation reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
One time oss called me a freak for paying too close attention to the Baker Wars.
He's not wrong but crack is crack.
>hateful script bot bullies
You have to be a pretty sad person that should stay off the internet if you even use a term like that.
Hurr durr the bot bullied me!
I hope that's not the reason but damn it does have to make you ponder it.
Yeah, I don't get the whole CNN sucks therefore my shit is real line they're running with now.
>this person tells you, you are not paying attention
That's a Gerbil sockpuppet move right there.
I've seen't it.
There's a few Anons that want to take Notes but don't wanna Bake.
Then there's you that will Bake 24x7 but are the Worst QR Notetaker ever.
That's where we are right now in our Precipicial Hell here on the board.
Anons are benching 750 at this point.
Sportsball LeBron: Orange Man Bad
>STFU and play ball asshole
Sportsball Aubrey: MAGA Because Fuck You
>That's a hero kids can look up to right there
Day Shift is permanent I've seen some shit mode.
Night Shift is always WTF happened today I can't keep up.
KEK has spoken.