That's perfect, printing that and posting on mirror, will read it daily. (thanks anon)
"This is the time where you must start to love yourself unconditionally.
How do you do this?
• Breathe
• Meditate
• Laugh
• Listen to high-frequency tunes
• Dance, nobody needs to watch but this is a very high vibration tool
• Sing, nobody needs to listen but this is a very high vibration tool
• Exercise, support your body to be able to hold the higher frequencies
• Eat plenty of fresh raw food
• Educate yourself about nutrition and specifically veganism. I do not ask you to nor do I recommend to go 100% vegan forever but eating more vegan food and less animal products or flesh is a must
• Drink pure Water (find a source or buy source water in glass bottles, do not drink tab water)
• Spend time in Nature with Mother Gaia, connect to her
• Pets are little angels who are already in 5D
• Ground yourself daily, walk with your bare feet, lay with your naked skin on the sand, water, weeds, etc. or take a salt bath
And most importantly:
When you have the chance to love someone, for god’s sake, leave all trickery, all negativity, all doubts, all fears behind and just love."