Anonymous ID: 894466 May 20, 2021, 8:11 a.m. No.13709686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9820 >>9918 >>0295

Arizona Conservatives Take Action

[20.05.21 09:33]

A Note on Removing the Voting Machines from Senator Kelly Townsend


So here is the deal folks. To remove the machines would be to basically remove all of Title 16. The movement to have the machines removed started about 3 to 4 weeks ago. To completely remove Title 16 and replace it with something different is going to require more than 3 weeks and actually would take the better part of a year to put in place a different system. For that reason we won't get 16 votes to pass a bill like that. As much as I would support the removal of the machines, our 1 vote majority just cannot get that done this year.. I'll be hard pressed to be able to even pass this bill, and you all saw what I had to do to just get these critical reforms.


However, I am committed to not going home without these immediate reforms in order to have serious corrections for next year's primary election. I have been researching these issues diligently for quite some time and wanted to get this passed, but my bills were killed. I forced the measures forward and we will hopefully have a vote shortly. Think of it as plugging the holes temporarily for the primary election. Any bills passed next year will not be in effect for the primary but will be for the general. So these reforms will dramatically reduce the ability for them to cheat but much more is needed. We will have meetings throughout the rest of this year to discuss how to get rid of the machines for the general next year.


I know it is not what you wanted but please understand that I cannot just wipe out the machines without a plan to move forward in 2 weeks notice. I could put forward a bill to do that but we don't have the votes and if that were my effort and it failed then we would be right back to 2020 rules for the 2022 primary. That is not acceptable so we have to go with what we can get passed now and work on next year for the general. I hope and pray for your support.

Anonymous ID: 894466 May 20, 2021, 8:11 a.m. No.13709692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9827 >>9849 >>0295

Arizona Conservatives Take Action

[20.05.21 10:52]


Election Officials in Pennsylvania Blame “Coding Error” with Dominion Voting Machines for Flaws with Republican Votes In Primary this Week(VIDEO)


Notice how the voting machine “errors”are ALWAYS against Republicans? IAntrim County, in Windham, in Luzerne County. This is ridiculous! Machines must go!


Read 👉🔗 Gateway Pundit (

Learn more 👉🔗 Last PA Update (


Anonymous ID: 894466 May 20, 2021, 8:18 a.m. No.13709731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9764 >>9810 >>0295

Ohio House GOP Primary Candidate Helped Found Soros-Backed Environmentalist Group

A Soros Republican?


In a rarity, George Soros has a connection to a Republican candidate for once.


The candidate in question is one of the Republicans running for Ohio’s 15th district (which is +9 Republican).


As Red State’s Seton Motley writes:


Brian Stewart is an alleged Republican state Rep, running to be an alleged Republican US Congressman. In his announcement, he talks a little bit of a good game: “Th(e)se challenges – whether from the extreme left, or an adversarial nation – must be dealt with aggressively and with conviction.”


As he notes however, Stewart launched the environmental group Ohio Conservative Energy Forum, which is backed by leftist donors including Soros and former Democrat presidential candidate Tom Steyer. All mention of Stewart was scrubbed from their website in 2019.


Soros money is behind…just about everything Leftist. His Tides Foundation kicked in coin to the Network. And Steyer’s TomKat Charitable Trust/Foundation – kicked in $3 million.


Oh: And President Joe Biden’s ridiculous “Climate Czar” Gina McCarthy? She of the radical policy prescriptions and fake email accounts?


She served on the Board of the same Leftist group alleged Republican Stewart had been proudly leading.


The group also takes money from the leftist Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Turner Foundation, the McKnight Foundation and the Argosy Foundation.


The conservative-named organization has long been described as a Trojan horse due to the army of leftist backers behind it. The group produces polls claiming the prove the majority of conservatives back a cavalcade of left-wing environmental policies, presumably in an attempt to further a bogus narrative that such policies are bipartisan. It’s the same kind of propaganda strategy you see employed over at MSNBC or CNN, who employ “Republicans” whose views align with 5% of actual Republicans.


As the Washington Examiner’s Kevin Rooney wrote back in 2019:


Why would an organization that markets itself as conservative receive the backing of so many liberal foundations?=


Hayden Ludwig, an investigator with the Capital Research Center, has some insight. He sees an effort from environmentalists to burrow in with pliable Republicans who seek cover on questions of climate change.


“These groups want to pretend to be bipartisan, but their funding pretty much comes from all left-wing groups,” he said in an interview. “In some cases, a group may have a Republican figurehead in a prominent position, but when you look at the rest of their staff and their funding it’s pretty much all left-of-center.”


It’s no secret that Soros has long funded hundreds of leftist organizations. It looks like we need to keep tabs on who he’s funding on the “right” as well.


Matt Palumbo is the author of Dumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and de Blasio Ruined New York, Debunk This: Shattering Liberal Lies, and Spygate

Anonymous ID: 894466 May 20, 2021, 8:19 a.m. No.13709741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9788 >>0073 >>0295,

[20.05.21 09:53]


NEW -The 35 Republican members of the House of Representatives who voted in favor of a commission on Jan. 6



Anonymous ID: 894466 May 20, 2021, 8:21 a.m. No.13709760   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Project Veritas

[19.05.21 13:19]

[ Video ]

Incredible…Tony Robbins providing more proof that Project Veritas’ #ExposeCNN videos broke through the MSM silence and social media censorship…THIS IS IMPACT



Project Veritas,

[20.05.21 09:21]


CENSORSHIP CHECK: Are you still subscribed to our YouTube channel?

Anonymous ID: 894466 May 20, 2021, 9:01 a.m. No.13710102   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Blow up with Geraldo last night. I also address proof that liberals don’t know much, and what they “know” is wrong.


1. Survey finds conservative media viewers are more informed on important topics.

2. The government’s “emergency powers” myth.

3. Biden cancels a US pipeline while backing a Russian pipeline.

4. Trump absolutely destroys the tyrannical NY AG in response to her political investigations.

5. Accused Russia-gate “spy” speaks out, and the evidence backs his no-collusion account.

'6. Oregon counties vote to move the border into Idaho.

Anonymous ID: 894466 May 20, 2021, 9:23 a.m. No.13710297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0312 >>0337 >>0357, [20.05.21 12:21]

JUST IN - U.S. Treasury calls for transfers of cryptocurrencies like #Bitcoin over $10,000 to be reported to IRS as means to limit illegal activity, including tax evasion.




JUST IN -U.S. Treasury calls for transfers of cryptocurrencies like #Bitcoin over $10,000 to be reported to IRS as means to limit illegal activity, including tax evasion.



Anonymous ID: 894466 May 20, 2021, 9:25 a.m. No.13710325   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.S. House, in 213-212 vote, passed bill to provide $1.9 billion in emergency funding for "additional security measures" at Capitol