Anonymous ID: 4ecb77 May 11, 2018, 7:31 a.m. No.1371167   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>March 4th

That post is going to be child's play in comparison to what is revealed form last night's actions. I'm wondering when it's going to hit the new desks?

Anonymous ID: 4ecb77 May 11, 2018, 8:36 a.m. No.1371728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1777 >>1812


I think White Bear was probably their best work. Outside of that, meh.


All the obvious forced multiculturalism aside, the episodes are insightful to some, and extremely frustrating to others. What I hate most about it is the conditioned response that it's, well, CONDITIONING people for later on. It's like reading a book or watching a movie (that you don't really care for) 20 times over, and then being forced to watch others reactions to it 100x or more because you've gotten to the end of everything it has to offer, and have no other place in life but to wait for others to catch up.


People watching it will usually find themselves agreeing with the persons duped by the situations, and relating to their experiences with a "Yeah, I'd probably do that, too" type of response. The herd mentality of the characters frustrates the living shit out of me. Example:


If the PM had just said "Fuck off" and let her die, then he'd have been seen (at least in my eyes) as someone that doesn't negotiate with terrorists, and does his absolute best to preserve law and order, and an unwillingness to allow terror to rule his life.


If the chick had just let her boyfriend go, she could have moved on in her life, raising her child and possibly finding another meaningful connection instead of locking a robot in the attic.


"Super duper athletic and better than you" cyclist donating his 15 million credits to a chick he barely knows, and has had essentially ZERO contact with, is akin to the hopeless romantic willing to go along with anything as long as it makes him into a door mat. Sure, he gets a little redemption in the end, but only to realize he's in another box once he gets there. Essentially, he's rewarded with submitting to a system that he knows requires a complete dissociation from your true self; the anti-thesis to what we tell ourselves everyday (be yourself!).


Frustrating. I can't watch it. Perhaps I have a personality issue, but I tend to think that the episodes VERY HEAVILY rely on ignoring distinct aspects of human mentality (frustration, living with real pain, social equity over humiliation). The characters are written with zero understanding of logic, or have very little problem solving skills in general.


Perhaps it's a result of me being disassociated with television programming, movies, and music over the past 15 years, but I get bored with this series because it is "preaching to the choir", so to speak.