Anonymous ID: 5264e2 May 11, 2018, 8:27 a.m. No.1371636   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Social Science Research Services (SSRS) - CNN's anti-Trump, anti-MAGA paid shills


In order to make Americans think that their compatriots are seditious, commie, anti-Trump scum (and that these traits are, hence, normal and acceptable), Clinton/CIA News Network (CNN) has “partnered” with SSRS (Social Science Research Solutions) to conduct many of its opinion polls.


The polls purport to give accurate data on how Americans evaluate the Trump administration's various policies (Iran deal, NK, re-industrialization…) and as you can expect, the poll results are virtually always suggestive that the country is united against Trump (which we know it's not).


So, who is behind this mysterious SSRS Research? (Shill alert, Patriots!)


1) Melissa Herrmann, Executive Vice President SSRS and Co-President, JPAR

2) David Dutwin, Ph. D., Vice President, SSRS and Chief Methodologist, JPAR Eran

3) N. Ben-Porath, Ph. D., Research Director, SSRS

4) Bobbie Bregman, Senior Project Director, SSRS


What unites these useful idiots (useful, anyway, to the Obamas, Clintons, and other traitors) is that they are part of an organization called Jewish Policy and Action Research (JPAR), which aims to defend and enhance the anti-American policy and ideological stances of its, ahem, “constituents”. SSRS also has ties to the Institute for Jewish and Community Research, which among other causes is urging its constituents to help out the ADL during its apparent crisis in raising donations.


We all know that a great many of the swamp critters our President is clearing out are those with dual citizenship in the USA and a certain Middle Eastern nation. And we know those swamp critters' complicity in 9/11, the establishment and maintenance of ISIS as a fighting force, the Uranium One nuclear terrorism with NK/Syria/Iran… so just a heads up Patriots, be wary of these seditious fools at SSRS.

Anonymous ID: 5264e2 May 11, 2018, 8:50 a.m. No.1371863   🗄️.is đź”—kun


POTUS may have to deputize the Patriot militias to deal with this problem before it's all over.


The traitors in previous administrations and in the current Deep STate have simply given him more problems than he can solve in a short period of time. Sadly, immigration is not as important as the more pressing issues of ending DS nuclear terrorism/blackmail, child sex trafficking, adult human trafficking, continued 9/11 coverup, etc.


There are lots of patriots who are ready to act on the immigrant problem but they wish to do so lawfully, so as long as that patience is still there, it's up to POTUS to reach out to the militias for a helping hand.