kek just Joe Sixpack Anon, right?
kek yeah
>>13711645 - JIDF General Fungus checking in
Comms, it's no nice to see you making fellatio memes hot again on QResearch.
What's disgusting is Board Fuckery and spammers gobbling up bread.
Not shedding a tear over the loss of faggotry disguised as free speech.
Yeah, Gerbil.
Anons love it when some faggot drops 100 memes of the same thing.
DASD is cheap but unnecessary distractions aren't.
kek just saying Globals went from being Board Announcements to yet another thing to beg for around here.
I thought Willow was like Pamphlets wife or something.
Why is this name appearing here again?
About time this place got one.
Niggers have been sockpuppeting all kinds of fuckery around here for too long.
Whatever you say, Fungus.
After being Jew Dindu Research for so long the pendulum was bound to swing back the other way.
Anons like you sat on their hands for too long.
Let the fuckery metastasize here.
Don't reeeeeeee now just because BV is cutting that shit out.
Too late for that shit.
Quit sockpuppeting as a real anon, Gerbil.
Just say it's you up front and maybe I'd consider what you're saying.
Otherwise obvious is obvious deceit like this is insulting.
>I bitched and squirmed for literal years here.
Ok. fog of war, no need to fragg you're right.
Piss of Comms work on your own ghost towns.
You should be ashamed of how you did Tom that wasn't right.