If you have picked a side in this faux conflict you have already lost. Doesn't matter to them as long as you have picked a side and are successfully distracted and divered from your research. Pretty simple. Ignore these stupid ego idenfags. It goes against everything anon. If they are not anon they are a shill. Very simple here. Hard to believe I have to point this out so late in the game. They are not anons they are using all tactics to fuck with your head. They are all ways subverting anons. ALWAYS
Get back to dig meme pray. Everything will fall into place. The breads are very comped and have been infiltrated since the deplatform. Anyone that says otherwise is a shill including the dumb fuck BV stirring the pot. Figure it out anons its the same show now coming to your house.
Focus on digging meme pray…don't get involved in the bullshit drama. The only reason it continues is because anons get involved. They go away when tactics are not working….guess why you are seeing so much shill BV Anna Mae bakery fuckery?
Pull you head out of your ass anons. WTF?