Sorry, your meme mentioned 3 jabs at once. I forgot to mention that at subsequent "required" well baby checks infants may receive several multi-disease jabs at a time.
The real reason for these jabs is to create an enfeebled populace that is utterly dependent. If you do your own research on this, its pretty easy to see that the goal is to create profitable diseases. Big Pharma got liability free access to inject our children willy-nilly so they know if they cause Type 1 diabetes with a vaccine they just got a life long "customer".
Vaccines take healthy children and turn them into "cash cows" for the Pharm. Though the term vaccine ostensibly comes from the word for the cowpox or vaccinia virus, it does not seem a "coincidence" that it refers to an animal kept in herds for consumption.
Btw, "SIDS" is commonly (though I don't think its always) a vaccine death. Those deaths peak shortly after "well baby" visits.