what the fuck is wrong with you?
verification mocking shill
using a censor ship flood bot is a form of civil rights abuse.
censorship through nonsense flooding is a civil rights abuse if done to surpress political speech. This is political speech. you are a civil rights abuser.
that line of argument bothers you?
how do you know so much about them?
most of them never reveal that is what they are.
you sure you aren't confusing them with someone else?
if you do it, flood to suppress, as a agency person or for a private 'firm' you will see that society isn't going to allow it to go on as it has.
it's not free speech because it's not a person.
and it's suppression of free speech.
so chuckle away, the 'new bosses' aren't rational and don't care about your 'chuckle-splaining' and you constant operational nonsense and boasting.
you'll figure it out.
you're rediculous.
they post a cat, did the cat 'usurp the board'
why would you think that what they pretend to be is what they really are?
how dumb are you?
I suppose you think the mug shoes shills are really chews.
you sound like an idiot.
they probably filter you first post.
then they never see it, let alone understand your 'patterns'
ego much?
so you really think that the muh-shoes shills are really shoes?
gate keeper says I'm broken.
no, I'm being direct and not filtering though.
so you think that the muh-chews shills are really creamy candy chews?
just because someone posts anjel G videos doesn't mean that it's really anjel G.
MR Cat isn't the same person from bread to bread.
teams of agency people run brain dead psyops here 24 / 7 and post about how effective it all is. don't believe them. Everyone sees right through it.
if you really thought that you wouldn't try for a cheap shot.
but you work for an agency so you feel that agency privledge.
you're in for a sudden shocker.
I know for me you division fagging about ethnics got me upset at you.
as much as it's so tempting . . . I think you'd have more friends here if you had not done that.
however, you do seem to be focussed on throttling and abusive robo posting, and not really about the person or what the views are.
as the situation escallated last Saturday it did seem that it was about taking sides.
That upsets those of us who are careful not to ever mention those groups or call them out in a way that they can accuse us of . . . . what they will accuse us of anyway.
you have more information than I do.
the perception is , from some , that what you are doing might actually be . . . coordinated with those who you fight.
however, you seem focused just on those who are actually being abusive.
obviously the ongoing world war is hot issue.
and now this place is yet another fog of war place with very limited view of anything real.
all the conflict scripts keep that in the background. News rarely gets here anymore.
the discussion is 'the state of the board'.
and so for that reason . . . I suppose many of us are troubled that the board is useless for us now.
hopefull it isn't for everyone.
I've watched for a few days now, BV.
clearly you have a much better idea that I do about the abusive posters. I have noticed that you aren't banning content but the abusive robo-posting and spamming.