Anonymous ID: ec853e May 20, 2021, 11:32 p.m. No.13717443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7609



Jesus represents a pure word (thought, voice, instruction). Satan represents a corrupt word. It’s that simple.

Everyone takes an oath (faith) to one or the other at any given thought. If I follow a pure thought then my oath is to Jesus, I prove this by my works (the outward visible expression of that pure thought towards others). Hence, I’m given a pure Spirit to walk in. By doing the works, we cleave to the Spirit. That pure word has been manifested from the invisible realm of thought to the visible earthly realm of manifest Spirit. (In earth as it is in Heaven.) Same goes for a corrupt thought. Same pattern.

If we follow a pure thought sometimes and a corrupt thought other times then we are a hypocrite.