Anonymous ID: cdf158 May 11, 2018, 9 a.m. No.1371975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2026 >>2251

I worry about the future of our children.

I can handle whatever these fucks want to throw at me.

However, it can be extremely difficult to shake the dread/worry/apprehension of what this country is becoming and how it will affect our little ones.

Children are the closest beings to God.

They deserve our unwavering dedication and and allegiance to ensuring their well-being.

If your mind is right, you know they are the only reason to live.

If your heart is pure, you know they are the only provider of purpose in this life.

I'm willing to die to ensure the freedoms of the unborn.

I'm willing to die for this country and it's people

These motherfuckers hurting kids man…

It fills me with fury I've never experienced.

It fills me with a reckoning.

Fight for the children Anons, not for ourselves.

A man that fights as the protectorate of the vulnerable will fight till death's final gasp.

Gurgling blood through gnashing teeth, a true protector does not yield righteous fury upon the wicked until vanquished.

We MUST secure the future for the inheritors of this world.

~If in reading, your blood boils in your veins, and your mind is ablaze with fire, then The Reckoning calls you.

It is then most wise to heed this call.