Anonymous ID: f74eff May 11, 2018, 9:28 a.m. No.1372223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2238 >>2280


CROWLEY is extremely dirty.

A main character in the spy ring.

Unsure what port or what committees he is in charge of?

In with AWAN in Queens county/

G. Webb has covered the meta data connections / and the more detailed ones.

Unsure where it is all organized though.

TRELLO boards?

Today George talked about the "Old Mossad" Marc Rich - and how their crime networks are still crawling around, still alive. Awan Contra - Iran Contra.


Webb did a great summary

Believes Bannon is the "Black Rabbit" sent to spy on Trump.






"Security" [human traffic and the really ugly children market , organ, all that.]

Anonymous ID: f74eff May 11, 2018, 9:53 a.m. No.1372545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2658


>pandora's box has been opened


If you walk along 40th from the water toward the New York Times headquarters [past Lincoln Tunnel which definitely has this type of structure], you'll see other Tall Towers with spires disguised as 'Radio Antennae" Really. Just like all the Uranium they mine and smuggle around is for "lightbulbs" Or the Chem Trails are just normal air traffic Condensation trails.

The New York Times corporate Bld. itself seems to be sheathed in metal netting.. Weird bld. for sure. Difficult to see the whole thing - and Google seems to block images of the entire structure?