Problems to solve:
Media frames "anti-fascists" as a just cause and patriot revolts as terrorism, unfettered.
Media continues to push propaganda favoring Democrats and China, unfettered.
Schools, workplaces and the military have taught and are continuing to teach "gender equality".
Schools, workplaces and the military have taught and are continuing to teach "white racial criticisms".
All justice systems seem corrupted with judges pardoning BLM and antifa members while persecuting conservatives.
All intelligence systems seem corrupted with the FBI, NSA, CIA et al all in lock-step with the agenda of Democrats.
Congress and the Senate seem completely corrupted with Chinese-compromised Democrats and RINOs in numbers not previously estimated.
Congress working day and night to disarm the people of the United States.
Military commander yes men are under the command of a racist, woke Defense Secretary that seems to favor gender equality and black supremacy.
A subservient state department that seems to be catering to China's wills and whims.
A global UN gaining power with China's influence and favor.
A growing Chinese superpower that has surpassed the US in naval military might.
A weakling, incoherent president that is close to death.
A drunk, incompetent, power-hungry, alt-left feminist Vice President waiting in the wings to assume power.
A gang of vicious, bewildered progressive new-hires in congress plotting to eliminate our president such that their progressive agenda can transform the country forever.
Where do we start.