(Please read from the start)
There are many mutations = different forms of the Evil Lady, including in the Greek and Roman times. There are as many mutations as there are City-States in the Middle East because when her cult reached them one by one, it took on local = native aspects of the City-States, which results in hundreds of mutated forms of her. I will leave it to anons to go there if they are interested in this subject. You will find MANY mutated forms of the Evil Lady: most are females and there is a small number where she is a male like what we saw with Attar (starting page 1 230 – whom I think is an Antelope warrior, not the Evil Lady in person). I would like to get a bit of attention to Anat and her connection to Yahweh: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anat
But first, remember anons the word Baal means Lord/king, it is NOT a NAME and don’t forget that the Evil One was a Sebetti king, so he was also called Baal in the Phoenician language, just like the King of kings was called Baal. It’s a bit confusing to the inexperienced = greenhorn researcher, but I got used to it and I’ve managed to identify 4 different categories of Baals = Lords/Kings in Phoenicia. I will be talking about this later on. For now, read carefully about Anant, be careful of the mutations, I hope you will be able to see through them; this is not easy and it’s very complicated and mixed, be careful when working.
“In Israel
The goddess name ‘Anat is preserved in the city names Beth-Anath and Anathoth. Anathoth seems to be a plural form of the name, perhaps a shortening of bêt ‘anātôt 'House of the ‘Anats', either a reference to many shrines of the goddess or a plural of intensification
The ancient hero Shamgar, son of ‘Anat, is mentioned in Judges 3.31 and 5:6, which raises the idea that this judge or hero may have been understood as a demi-god, a mortal son of the goddess. But John Day (2000) notes that a number of Canaanites known from non-Biblical sources bore that title and theorizes that it was a military designation indicating a warrior under ‘Anat's protection. Asenath, "holy to Anath", was the wife of the Hebrew patriarch Joseph.”
>> Not so much about worshiping ONE god, right? It’s all bogus.
“In Elephantine (modern Aswan) in Egypt, the 5th century BCE Elephantine papyri make mention of a goddess called Anat-Yahu (Anat-Yahweh) worshiped in the temple to Yahweh originally built by Jewish refugees from the Babylonian conquest of Judah. These suggest that "even in exile and beyond the worship of a female deity endured." The texts were written by a group of Jews living at Elephantine near the Nubian border, whose religion has been described as "nearly identical to Iron Age II Judahite religion". The papyri describe the Jews as worshiping Anat-Yahu (or AnatYahu). Anat-Yahu is described as either the wife or paredra (sacred consort) of Yahweh or as a hypostatized aspect of Yahweh.”
>> Am I the only one smiling from ear to ear here? ^^ Anat is a mutated form of the Evil Lady. Yahweh is the Evil One. They were worshiped by the Jews near Nubian border as a couple = Husband and Wife in the 5th century BC ^^ . Do you understand why (((they))) went into such pain to edit the Old Testament? This parchment “slipped” through (((their))) fingers. How many little juicy treasures like this you think has slipped past (((them)))? See how well doctored the Old Testament is to hide the truth? It’s edited with loads of sugar coating specially put there for the Sheep. The Jews worldwide know exactly whom Yahweh is and they know exactly whom Inanna/Anat is. If Anat is the name of a pagan goddess, why modern day Israel didn’t change the name of those 2 towns and kept them with a pagan name? See what I mean?
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