Anonymous ID: 033926 July 31, 2021, 5:48 a.m. No.14236880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6896



(Please read from the start)


“Historically, it was also known to western geographers as Mare Mecca (Sea of Mecca), and Sinus Arabicus (Gulf of Arabia). Some ancient geographers called the Red Sea the Arabian Gulf or Gulf of Arabia.


The association of the Red Sea with the biblical account of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea is ancient, and was made explicit in the Septuagint translation of the Book of Exodus from Hebrew to Koine Greek in approximately the third century B.C. In that version, the Yam Suph (Hebrew: ים סוף‎, lit. 'Sea of Reeds') is translated as Erythra Thalassa (Red Sea). Although reeds do not grow in the Red Sea today (reeds do not grow in salt water), Professor Colin Humphreys explains the discrepancy on the basis that a freshwater marsh of reeds could have existed around Aqaba.


The Red Sea is one of four seas named in English after common color terms – the others being the Black Sea, the White Sea and the Yellow Sea. The direct rendition of the Greek Erythra thalassa in Latin as Mare Erythraeum refers to the north-western part of the Indian Ocean, and also to a region on Mars.




>> In other words we call it Red Sea for no apparent reason. We don’t know how the origin of the name is connected to red color, nor does it have any red sands or boulders on the edges, nor are there any types of trees or animals associated with red around it….and there are no historical events that link it to red color. Saying it’s because it’s pointing south…that doesn’t hold much, simply because whom decided South should be red and not green or purple? See what I mean? It goes back to (((them))) as (((they))) controlled such decision and chose the name….so why did (((they))) decide to call it RED Sea?


When we look at the map of the Red Sea, we notice it’s like a tube or a tunnel that has 2 antennas…making it look like a HORNED SERPENT with its long stretch shape like that, as if it’s a snake crawling it’s way upwards. Is this the REAL reason why (((they))) chose to name it Red Sea…Red being the color of the Evil One?


Since anons have now all the pieces of this puzzle in our hands, can you put it together?


Rahab is not an angel. Rahab is not a Sea monster (whatever it may be called = has different names). When you look closely how torrential catastrophic water violently enters a narrow tunnel or tube, the gushing, flooding water takes many shapes, including the one of a hydra like creature with multiple heads. When you think about it, the violence of the water also emits sounds, adding to the rumbling sounds as the earth is being split open as the rift is taking place….and since there is volcanic activity, we also might see lava at the bottom pouring out from both the rift and the volcanoes as the water is rushing violently on the surface. This effect, will give the water a reddish glow, won’t it? = is this how it got its name? Or is it named after the Evil One?


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Anonymous ID: 033926 July 31, 2021, 5:52 a.m. No.14236896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8163



(Please read from the start)


Also the rushing water will behave like a violent BEAST, a monster which destroys everything in its path: fauna, flora and humans alike. It’s like the entire region is swallowed by the 4 elements of earth, wind, water and fire; truly an apocalyptic scene.


And since the rift took this long shape, like a tunnel, a tube or a snake….you can see it from above (if you have flying machinery) as a giant sea creature that is raging like a bull and devastating everything in its path. Which can be seen as a snake, dragon or a demonic entity due to the devastation it caused


The “book of Raziel” fell into the “ocean” does this mean the Indian Ocean flooded = engulfed Ancient Egypt, at least for some time? Which means at least part of Egypt, if not all of it, was underwater for some time, which is confirmed when we were taking a look at the Sphinx and how the entire Giza Plateau was underwater (Sphinx starting page 150).


There are water erosion marks in Giza, but not at Saqqara. This means the water reached Giza but not Saqqara ….but….did the water reach the Giza plateau from the Red Sea….or from somewhere else? From the evidence I collected in thread 4 = fossils and other evidence, it’s clear that it was the entire Mediterranean basin that was flooded by water, SEA water which brought Sea Life with it = aquatic life, it wasn’t just a huge amount of rain. So in other words, we have the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea both Flooding at the same time and splashing on the land around the water mass = submerging it. Did the Splash reach Saqqara? = Well, there is a high possibility that Saqqara pyramids were built AFTER the Great Flood occurred, explaining why there are no traces of water erosion on the pyramids there. When I look at the general picture, it’s like the entire African continent was shaking violently and loads of geographic changes were occurring.


What’s all of this got to do with the Book of Raziel and the sea monster? Well, remember that rumored chamber/tunnels under the Sphinx which supposedly contains Ancient knowledge engraved on the walls? If the entire area was submerged = then it means the Book = the knowledge on these engraved walls, FELL into the OCEAN = it was underwater ^_^ and it was much much later on, after the rift occurred that Rahab = either Ancient Egypt or the supposed gushing water of the Red Sea, gave it back….as in the water retreated and the Bloodlines managed to get (((their))) dirty hands on the information contained in these tunnels. What is amazing is the timing of this “folklore” story = “Medieval times” as in it seems, from the sound of it, it was during this time that the Bloodlines got (((their))) hands on the knowledge under the tunnels…when exactly I don’t know, maybe a few years or a few decades before Sefer Raziel HaMalakh was writen.


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Anonymous ID: 033926 July 31, 2021, 10:01 a.m. No.14238163   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8213



(Please read from the start)


“Sefer Raziel HaMalakh, (Hebrew:ספר רזיאל המלאך, "the book of Raziel the angel"), is a grimoire of Practical Kabbalah from the Middle Ages written primarily in Hebrew and Aramaic. The Liber Razielis Archangeli, its 13th-century Latin translation produced under Alfonso X, survives.




>> If interested anons can read the rest themselves but don’t forget, this is (((their))) book which IS part of Judaism. This is not exclusively Kabbalah, but Judaism as well. See what I mean when I say both are one and the same = 2 sides of the same coin. (((They))) trick you into believing there is a difference but the truth is, it’s one and the same; just different names used for the same thing.


And it makes perfect sense how it is said in the next sentence that this “book” was passed onto Enoch as in passed to the Kabbalah. So the question is how did Raziel transfer the information from a “computer” to what exactly? Is it really a book written by the blood of victims or is the book referring to the epigraphy under the Sphinx? Maybe it’s both. Maybe he Bloodlines got (((their))) hands on both “sources” and recognized that both are knowledge from Atlantis time, so (((they))) fused the information of both and created the Sefer Raziel. These people are crazy, so I’m expecting the unexpected from (((them))) and the most crazy scenario ever.


What comes next in the sentence: “who may have incorporated his own writings into the tome” makes it clear that Enoch got his hands on that book written in blood = we reverted back to talking about the book and stopped talking about the epigraphy under the Sphinx. And on top of everything Enoch added some stuff to that book. Which means Raziel isn’t the SINGLE author of that book, but there are many persons whom chimed in and with each generation segments were added to that book. This point actually correspond to the rumors about that book written with human blood = as in each Bloodline generation added (((their))) own chapters/history to that book.


Next sentence: “From Enoch, the archangel Raphael gave it to Noah, who used the wisdom within to build Noah's Ark.” This is pure fabrication because we already know that the Ark already existed and people = MANY people, not just Noah and his family, rushed in it when the Cataclysm occurred. This will be discussed later on when I reveal another big, important piece of the puzzle. For now, anons gotta realize that it was NOT Noah whom built that Ark with his own hands as claimed in the Old Testament, but the “ship” was already built and existed: it was built by the Antlantean Civilization; just like nowadays we have many ships built all over the world which anyone can embark on them if such a Cataclysm occurs. Atlantis had many ships, and this is just one of them.


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Anonymous ID: 033926 July 31, 2021, 10:15 a.m. No.14238213   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8479



(Please read from the start)


The last sentence is: “The Book of Raziel was said to have come into the possession of King Solomon, and a number of texts claiming to be this volume have recently appeared.”


>> Abracadabra! A number of texts “suddenly” appeared recently. Incredible! No mention of where, how, why and whom found them, what are the circumstances of the discovery nor the context. Just take (((their))) word for it and mostly it’s connect to (((their))) Solomon meaning it’s connected to (((their))) precious little temple…that’s the seed (((they))) are planting in your mind. Because we are programed to immediately connect/ diverge our thoughts to the “precious little temple” when we hear the word Solomon. In other words (((they))) are using the brainwashing (((they))) put us under to trick us into believing the book of Raziel is a good book, a holy book. It is for (((them))) but not for us.


It’s clear that in this Wikipedia page we are talking about 2 very different and distinct ITEMS which contained Ancient Knowledge from a Lost TIME. But in a strange way, somewhere in the 13th century, one of the “smart” guys = thinkers of the Kabbalah merged the 2 items and started to point to them as a single object. The book written by blood and the epigraphy under the Sphinx became ONE. I think this is due that both fell into the hands of the Bloodlines and (((they))) merged them together.


This dig on Raziel made it very CLEAR that Judaism and Kabbalah are one and the same. Please go check everything back, re-read everything slowly. You will notice how they tell us in some of the Wikipedia pages related to all of this that book of Raziel is connected to Judaism while if we look around, we are being told that it’s connected to Kabbalah. It’s very inconsistent as to which the book of Raziel is connected to; the flip flopping = sometimes it’s Judaism, sometimes it Kabbalah, is not confusion or misinterpretation. It’s proof that both are the synonyms of one another = Judaism is synonym to Kabbalah if you want to put it that way. We have many words to call one thing = (((their))) cult/ religion. Different names pointing/ referring to the same thing = the religion established by the Evil One.


Also when we take a look at what little iconography there is of Raziel online. We notice he is depicted most of the time wearing RED or his clothes having reddish tones. He also holds sometimes a flaming sword, just how we know Seth’s spear used to have flames. And it happens to be Raziel’s sword in the first picture I’m attaching to this page, is depicted in a similar way, almost identical to what we see the Feline warrior holding (Cylinder Seal Imprint) on page 999. It just happens to be that way, right? ^_~


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Anonymous ID: 033926 July 31, 2021, 11:22 a.m. No.14238479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3482



(Please read from the start)


I wanted to find a tiny bit more information about Raziel:


Most of what is written in this link is déjà vu, we’ve already seen it, but there are some additional interesting details; including the very clear, crystal clear connection between Judaism and Kabbalah = it’s one and the same.


“ Raziel


RAZIEL , an important angel who, according to his name, is connected with "the mysteries of God." In midrashic and magical literature he is mentioned only in sources going back to the esoteric teachings of the talmudic period, where he appears in three sources. When Moses is ascending to heaven in order to receive the Torah, he encounters on his way the angel Galliẓur ("he who reveals the hidden reasons of the Rock"; i.e., God), who is also called Raziel because he hears from behind the divine curtain all that is going to happen in the world, and this he reveals to Elijah, who "spreads the voice" over all the world. The angel Raziel also appeared to Adam three days after he had been expelled from paradise and had fallen into despair. Then Raziel revealed to him a magical textbook containing the mysteries of the workings of creation. This version of an old esoteric aggadah was incorporated into a collection of cosmological and angelological material culled mainly from the writings of Eliezer b. Isaac of Worms and some other 13th-century kabbalists, and published in Amsterdam in 1701 under the title, "This is the book of the first Adam which the angel Raziel delivered to him," commonly called "Sefer Razi'el" (see below). It had a wide circulation, being reprinted nearly 40 times. The third source is the apocryphal Sefer ha-Razim, known in manuscript form in post-talmudic times. This purported to be the book of mysteries which the angel Raziel taught to Noah in the year he entered the ark and which Noah later wrote down on tablets of sapphire. It is a handbook of magic, both Jewish and syncretistic, giving a detailed account of the angels in the seven heavens and the magical practices connected with them and their conjuration. Whereas the first part is of a strictly Jewish character, the magical practices contain strong pagan elements. In the opinion of the editor, Mordecai Margalioth (1966), the text goes back to the talmudic period, perhaps even to the earlier part, especially because of its close connection with some texts in the Greek magical papyri. The age of the book is still a matter of controversy. According to the Zohar, Adam received his book while he was still in paradise, and the angel Raziel was none other than the archangel Uriel who revealed the deep mysteries of the Torah. The numerical value of the Hebrew name is 248, corresponding to the number of the positive commandments of the Torah and the name Abraham. The kabbalist Abraham b. Samuel Abulafia used this name as a pseudonym in several of his books.”


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