(Please read from the start)
The high ranking demon we saw was not Valac, but it was one on the same level as him. Whom is Valac: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valac
“Valac is a demon described in the goetic grimoires The Lesser Key of Solomon (in some versions as Ualac or Valak and in Thomas Rudd's variant as Valu), Johann Weyer's Pseudomonarchia Daemonum (as Volac), the Liber Officiorum Spirituum (as Coolor or Doolas), and in the Munich Manual of Demonic Magic (as Volach) as an angelically winged boy riding a two-headed dragon, attributed with the power of finding treasures.”
>> Here you go anons, it’s pure and simple = it’s linked to Satanism and look at the name = “Key of Solomon”. Now, do explain something to me dear reader cause I’m simple minded and don’t understand this stuff much = Why are the demons have names associated with the Keys of Solomon….whom happens to be the one whom supposedly built the temple in Jerusalem – a temple which carries his name as well? See what I mean there anons?
Why is demonology so “evolved” in Judaism? Why are the demons associated to Judaism? To Solomon? To his temple? Then look at the collection of demonic books we have here. Those books shouldn’t be around.
So this demon has an angelic appearance, he is winged and is riding a bi-cephalic dragon. He has been attributed the power of finding treasures. Why does it sound like he is some sort of metal detector machine. LoL! It’s strange that in the movie The Conjuring 2, we don’t see this aspect of Valac and his power to find treasures. What are those treasures he is supposed to find? Gold? Gems? Or some important relics? Or maybe, the important treasure, the true treasure is the souls of humans? Whom knows!
The Lesser Key, the Munich Burnich, Rudd, and Weyer further agree in ranking Valac as a president and attributing him with the power to locate, summon, and control serpents. The Officium Spirituum similarly attributes Doolas with the power to give the summoner command of serpents as well as "household spirits," but it ranks Cooler and Doolas as princes instead of presidents.”
>> What do you think anons: these serpents mentioned, are they the animal serpent or lightning depicted as serpents? I think it’s the second option and I think they are telling us here that Valac used lightning. So did he shoot it from the blasters, some type of weapon like the Sharur or did he hold it in his hands like what we see Wonder Woman do? I have no idea. What do they mean here by saying Valac controled “household spirits”? Does it mean that spirits are held in houses like pets? This is very strange. This Valac seems to be a HIGH RANKING demon as well. Some called him a president while other called him prince. Remember the song from Queen: Princes of the Universe? ^_~ And the Bloodlines are the descendants ooooffffff…………..??????? = These Princes, which makes (((them))) princes in turn….according to (((them))) of course.
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