(Please read from the start)
Now is the turn of the male rulers:
1 – The King of kings: What do we know about him so far? = He was the King of everything and everyone. He was the supreme ruler. He was the King of Atlantis, the King of the people and the King of the other Sebetti rulers. He was a wise and kind ruler, beloved by his people. We also know it’s highly possible he is the head of the Aquatic Spiritual Healers. His special ability seems to be an immense Spiritual Holy power.
He was the spouse of the Queen of queens, the one I’m calling Neith. They had at least TWO children; which I’m suspecting one of them is the Evil Lady….but there seems also to be a Crown Prince = an legitimate Heir to the throne, a male heir.
It’s unclear which was his heraldic symbol among the Sebetti Clans. The Griffin represents royalty and he was the top royal. So I’m saying the Griffin might represent him…but…that’s not entirely correct either. Since we’ve seen in the relief of Nergal (page 790) a veiled Lady sitting on a throne with 2 guardian Griffins = this indicates that she is royalty (I wonder if this is the Evil Lasy? I don’t know). Which in turn means, that the Griffin indicates the presence of a royal or the Royal guards near the royal person, protecting him/her.
So then, what is the heraldic animal of the King of kings? We have 3 possibilities:
A – The ThunderBirds: Seeing how fiercely they fought against the Horned Serpents worldwide their loyalty to the King is unquestionable. They are the deadly enemy of the Horned Serpents. How many traitors amongst their ranks have we seen so far? = NONE. So far, I haven’t picked a single multi-morph armor with the helmet of an Eagle. This is pushing me to believe that there were no traitors among the ThunderBird ranks, or at least almost NO traitors. And they were the ones whom followed the leadership of Isis/Neith in her battles against the Horned Serpents.
The Lamassu is the heraldic symbol of the Queen of queens and it’s a sky type of warrior. It’s possible that the ThunderBirds = another sky warrior, were the army of the King of kings. This way the royal couple would dominate the sky.
B – The Feline warriors: The Griffin is composed of both the Eagle and the Lion. Since the Griffin symbolizes royalty, I thought that at least one of these 2 animals would be the one under the command of the King of kings. It makes sense this way. But among the Feline warriors there were traitors as we’ve encountered a few multi-morph with a Feline helmet. There was no “absolute” = a 100 % loyalty towards the King of kings within the Feline warrior ranks.
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