(Please read from the start)
“According to some sources, the book was passed on through the generations to Enoch (In 3 Enoch believed to have later become the angel Metatron), who may have incorporated his own writings into the tome. From Enoch, the archangel Raphael gave it to Noah, who used the wisdom within to build Noah's Ark. The Book of Raziel was said to have come into the possession of King Solomon, and a number of texts claiming to be this volume have recently appeared.”
>> This section is a pure treasure of information. It’s marvelous. First thing anons gotta do is notice the date = very late, when this was “book” was written about Raziel. Then anons got to be fully aware of WHOM wrote this: as in it was (((them))) and this is super important, because we are seeing through this text (((their))) view and interpretation of the events that took place long ago. This is how (((they))) tell the story. And notice how (((they))) shape the storyline. The way the story is shaped is in the same “tone” as how (((they))) portray Seth to be; as in he was a good person whom was justified to rebel against the legitimate ruler = Osiris, and then killed him and cut him to pieces and ate him along with other co-conspirators. Seth did all of these crimes for the greater good, according to (((them))) = it’s justified. Here, it’s the same concept and the same tone to the storyline; which I’m going to dissect next: I’ll be doing my best, this one is not easy to totally figure out:
Let’s start with the first sentence where it said that the book of Angel Raziel contains “all secret knowledge, and is considered to be a book of magic.” What does this really mean?
The strange part is the word “ALL” used when talking about knowledge. If ALL secret knowledge was given to man, why are we still so ignorant and doing stupid things? This includes the Bloodlines and the so-called Enlighted ones. I mean, if ALL was given and revealed to (((them))) why are (((they))) still unable to open that portal to bring the spirit of the Anti-Christ? If ALL secret knowledge was given to mankind in the book written by the Angel Raziel, (((they))) wouldn’t be stuck in this world with mundane humans and (((they))) would have already accessed to immortality and the secret of Creation itself. But it’s not the case, (((they))) still die, like we normal humans do and (((they))) still cannot open that Stargate. So you see, right from the get go, there is something wrong with the storyline because it’s clear, NOT ALL the SECRETS were given to mankind, including to (((them))).
So this means the “all secret knowledge” has another meaning. And I see it as having a “diplomatic” meaning; as in policy making or political meaning. For anons to understand me better, I would like to ask them to take a look at last picture I’ve attached to page 1 025 of the council meeting, taken from the movie Black Panther. Anons already read the paragraph put in the Wikipedia page of Raziel, so they already know that Raziel was near the throne of God.
This in turn is pointing us to the throne room or audience room or whatever room where meetings took place and the throne existed. In other words, the throne of God existed in a place where politics, decisions, rulings and judgments are carried out. It doesn’t exist in the kitchen = cooking area, nor the bedroom = sleeping area. It’s in a place where State affairs are handled and discussed.
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