(Please read from the start)
“A great festival, called the Feast of Lamps, was held annually in honor of Neith and, according to the Greek historian Herodotus, her devotees burned a multitude of lights in the open air all night during the celebration.”
“Syncretic relationships
The Greek historian Herodotus (c. 484–425 BC) noted that the Egyptian citizens of Sais in Egypt worshipped Neith. The Greeks ruled Egypt at the time and they sought to draw a syncretic relationship to associate Egyptian deities with those of Greece. They identified Neith with Athena. The Timaeus, a dialogue written by Plato, mirrors that identification with Athena, possibly as a result of the identification of both goddesses with war and weaving.”
>> Plato has a point: both Athena and Neith characteristics are similar.
“The English Egyptologist E. A. Wallis Budge suggested that the Christian biblical account of the flight into Egypt as recorded in the apocryphal gospels was directly influenced by stories about Isis and Horus; Budge argued that the writers of these gospels ascribed to Mary, the mother of Jesus, many peculiarities which, at the time of the rise of Christianity, were perceived as belonging to both Isis and Neith, for example, the parthenogenesis concept shared by both Neith and Mary.
In popular culture
Before moving on from Neith, I would like for anons to remember = never forget that she was associated to Baalat of Gebal and she lived in the Phoenician City-State of Gebal = Byblos for some time. This is going to be used later on. And in the Dogon culture, the word for mother is the same for cow (page 211) and they have the same root as the word SUN (=female symbol in their religion). The Dogon used to think that RED (color) is a female symbol. It all fits perfectly wel with Neith, Queen of queens.
A bit of reading for anons: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mehet-Weret
Anons will find out she is a Lamassu warrior and a Flood Survivor.
This is it for the Ram warrior in Ancient Egypt. We also have a candidate for that last Sebetti I couldn’t identify before: Antelope .
We also managed to identify the Queen of Atlantis and where she ended up. She took many forms and names but her characteristics are the same. The information also points out that she is the leader of the Lamassu warriors herself.
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