(Please read from the start)
The last trait to talk about when it comes to the Dementors is their ability to suck or feed on the happiness and good thoughts of people. But when you look at the footage of the movie, it gives the viewer the thought that a person’s SOUL is being sucked out of them by the Dementors. This is identical to what is said demons do.To think we have a visual of the phenomena in a movie gives me the creeps.
Next is Voldemort: I believe he is the projected image of the Evil One = the one whom started to coup and corrupted the female Sebetti, turning her into the Evil Lady. We see Voldemort represented with the facial features of a serpent and he is known for his ability to communicate with serpents and in turn, the snakes obey him. He comes from a “noble” lineage, with a high “blood purity” = he behaves has if he had “ROYAL” blood in him – ancestral ring from his mother side of the family.
Voldemort wasn’t evil nor bad at first, but he became arrogant and terribly obsessed with being the most powerful as well as obtaining immortality; that’s why he “split” his soul by committing horrible acts = like murder and he created the horcruxes as vessels to put his soul in = carriers for his soul = gaining immortality. But by doing so, he lost his human features = humanity and turned into the face we see him in.
His thirst for power along with huge complex about the purity of his blood made him create a “dark army” of followers = death eaters and he plotted to take over the ministry of magic, by tricks, by using spies and plants and at the end, he uses force. As long as he was “weak” = with a weak physical form, he used tricks and plotted in the dark, but when he regained his physical form, he thought the most powerful wand = most powerful weapon to destroy the One he is the most afraid of. He was also planning to use his most powerful weapon to make his big dream of ruling over the world and killing and/or enslaving all humans, wizards and other creatures. It’s incredible how this is identical to what the Bloodlines want to do and were planning for humanity. And it’s incredible how Voldemort sought the most powerful wand for him to use, just like how I’ve been repeating that the Horned Serpent warriors STOLE the technology of the other armors and integrated it to theirs in order to have combat superiority when fighting against the other clans.
The name given to his followers = death eaters is highly symbolic and it fits perfectly well to the Bloodline families and how we know (((they))) are cannibals and practice horrors as human sacrifice among other stuff.
After trying to kill Harry as a toddler, Voldemort was struck by his own magic because of a very ancient sort of magic, kinda forgotten by the wizarding world = LOVE….precisely the love of a mother for her child. It was Lily Potter that used herself as a shield to save Harry that night, which in turn ignited the ancient magic and it back fired on Voldemort. But since he had created horcruxes, only his physical body was destroyed, while he remained in his “spiritual” form.
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