Anonymous ID: 2e8bbd July 20, 2021, 5:01 a.m. No.14160039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0064



(Please read from the start)


The last trait to talk about when it comes to the Dementors is their ability to suck or feed on the happiness and good thoughts of people. But when you look at the footage of the movie, it gives the viewer the thought that a person’s SOUL is being sucked out of them by the Dementors. This is identical to what is said demons do.To think we have a visual of the phenomena in a movie gives me the creeps.


Next is Voldemort: I believe he is the projected image of the Evil One = the one whom started to coup and corrupted the female Sebetti, turning her into the Evil Lady. We see Voldemort represented with the facial features of a serpent and he is known for his ability to communicate with serpents and in turn, the snakes obey him. He comes from a “noble” lineage, with a high “blood purity” = he behaves has if he had “ROYAL” blood in him – ancestral ring from his mother side of the family.


Voldemort wasn’t evil nor bad at first, but he became arrogant and terribly obsessed with being the most powerful as well as obtaining immortality; that’s why he “split” his soul by committing horrible acts = like murder and he created the horcruxes as vessels to put his soul in = carriers for his soul = gaining immortality. But by doing so, he lost his human features = humanity and turned into the face we see him in.


His thirst for power along with huge complex about the purity of his blood made him create a “dark army” of followers = death eaters and he plotted to take over the ministry of magic, by tricks, by using spies and plants and at the end, he uses force. As long as he was “weak” = with a weak physical form, he used tricks and plotted in the dark, but when he regained his physical form, he thought the most powerful wand = most powerful weapon to destroy the One he is the most afraid of. He was also planning to use his most powerful weapon to make his big dream of ruling over the world and killing and/or enslaving all humans, wizards and other creatures. It’s incredible how this is identical to what the Bloodlines want to do and were planning for humanity. And it’s incredible how Voldemort sought the most powerful wand for him to use, just like how I’ve been repeating that the Horned Serpent warriors STOLE the technology of the other armors and integrated it to theirs in order to have combat superiority when fighting against the other clans.


The name given to his followers = death eaters is highly symbolic and it fits perfectly well to the Bloodline families and how we know (((they))) are cannibals and practice horrors as human sacrifice among other stuff.


After trying to kill Harry as a toddler, Voldemort was struck by his own magic because of a very ancient sort of magic, kinda forgotten by the wizarding world = LOVE….precisely the love of a mother for her child. It was Lily Potter that used herself as a shield to save Harry that night, which in turn ignited the ancient magic and it back fired on Voldemort. But since he had created horcruxes, only his physical body was destroyed, while he remained in his “spiritual” form.


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Anonymous ID: 2e8bbd July 20, 2021, 5:09 a.m. No.14160064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1143



(Please read from the start)


The idea behind Lily Potter shielding her son means she chose to protect her son, which echoes well with Isis trying to protect baby Horus after the death of Osiris from the wrath of Seth and his followers. It also fits perfectly well with the image projected by Neith/Isis as being the Queen of queens whom stepped in and derailed the plans of the Evil One onto killing the heir of the King of kings in order to take the throne. She was a mother protecting her son and a queen doing her duty as a sovereign.


And from the looks of it, it seems the outcome of BOTH as in what happened to the Evil One and what happened to Voldemort is the same = both of them had their physical form destroyed, but only remained in the Spiritual form. We know this is what happened to Satan after his revolt in Heaven and we’ve seen this also happening to the Earl in Interstella 5555 (page 584 – 14th point) and to the Lord of Darkness in the movie Legend (1985)–where at the end, his physical forms is vanquished by the Light but his Evil Spirit remains (starting page 1 037). The same idea is projected by Oz when he lost “supposedly” his physical body and appeared as smoke.


Amazingly, we have 2 females named Lili/Lily in both movie = Harry Potter and Legend (1985). In the later movie, just like Voldemort, Lili wasn’t evil at first, also just like Theodora (wearing RED) in Oz, she was sweet and innocent and pure of heart. But they all changed, the innocent child that was Voldemort was turned, just like Theodora, just like Lili in Legend, just like Seth (= this one fought for Ra, helped him at first, then he turned around and killed Osiris, meaning he wasn’t Evil at first) and just like Satan, he wasn’t bad at first, but then iniquity was found in him – I’ve talked about this in page 923. We can add to the list Tron from Tron Legacy, where Clu “turned” him and made him Rinzler (page 576). And it happens to be that everyone I mentioned is somehow depicted or connected to the color RED, most anyway. I can go on and on and find much more examples for anons, but I think the reader gets the idea now.


So what happens after Voldemort lost his physical form and only remained in his spiritual shape? He tried MANY times to regain his body using various methods and means, like processing one of the teachers at Harry’s school and controlling his body…we know demons and evil spirits can do that to humans and they use them to manipulate them and make them do stuff.


In Harry Potter, Voldemort tried to get his hands at first = as a first option on something called the Philosopher Stone, which is also known as the Elixir of Life – reminds me of Adrenochrome and how it’s considered as the Elixir of Life and he Fountain of Youth by the Bloodlines and (((their))) followers. So in other words the Philosopher’s Stone in Harry Potter is a symbolic representation to Adrenochrome and how (((they))) MUST consume Blood in order to survive.


And this practice existed IN SECRET from way before the Cataclysm occurred. This is tied to the GENETIC ILLNESS of the Evil One – remember the Jackal from the Dogon (page 211)? And how Amma was “forced” to sacrifice one of the Nommos in order to restore balance to the universe? And how that “sacrificed” Nommo was “cut to many pieces” and scattered through the universe (page 215)? Everything clearly hints that the illness of the Jackal is something he was BORN with and it COULDN’T BE CURED or TREATED or HEALED - Not even if the healing beds were used (beds mentioned in page 207 – 10th point).


This “ILLNESS” was NOT DETECTED at first. It didn’t show up at first, as I’ve just given many examples through Hollywood movies and the Jackal from the Dogon and Seth from Ancient Egypt….and of course, the cherry on top of the cake is none other than Satan himself = he was one of our Heavenly Father’s angels at first, but then… all of the stories….something happened… and they all started to commit horrible things, including cannibalism and other horrors = they turned Evil.


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Anonymous ID: 2e8bbd Aug. 10, 2021, 6:10 a.m. No.14312308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2317



(Please read from the start)


Also anons, I think the interpretation about “Hormin son of Lilith” given in here is wrong. Just be careful when you handle such material because don’t forget whom wrote these things and how many times it was edited. We don’t know how they manipulated and changed the text and whom wrote this.


And look how (((they))) try to “explain” the inconsistency of the few lines written about Hormin son of Lilith: “Hormin who is mentioned here as the son of Lilith is most probably a result of a scribal error of the word "Hormiz" attested in some of the Talmudic manuscripts. The word itself in turn seems to be a distortion of Ormuzd, the Zendavestan deity of light and goodness.”


LoL! This is the joke of the century. So (((they))) turned a son of a demon into a son of Light and goodness and since everyone reading is a Sheep…. I love it how (((they))) admit here of “scribal error” and of “SEEMS to be a DISTORTION”. This is how the Talmud, Torah and the rest of (((their))) books are ALL written, including the Old Testament. So when (((they))) are unable to make things coherent, (((they))) use this excuse….but everything else is crystal clear and pure truth. It’s just 2 sentences that are not clear due to small errors. Keep on going Sheep.


If the reader hasn’t realized it yet, everything about Judaism = (((their))) cult is written, done this way. EVERYTHING. It’s one big mess of patch-work and distortion, including the history of the Jews. I don’t know about you anons, but if one day, Potus, by some miracle, asks me which book I would like to read. I will tell him = the Real Bible, the Authentic Bible. I know it exists somewhere, or at least a few pages of it. But all an old man like me can do is to put a smile on his face, pretend nothing is wrong and just keep on dreaming for a better tomorrow.


“The above statement by Hanina may be related to the belief that nocturnal emissions engendered the birth of demons:


• "R. Jeremiah b. Eleazar further stated: In all those years [130 years after his expulsion from the Garden of Eden] during which Adam was under the ban he begot ghosts and male demons and female demons [or night demons], for it is said in Scripture: And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years and begot a son in own likeness, after his own image, from which it follows that until that time he did not beget after his own image … When he saw that through him death was ordained as punishment he spent a hundred and thirty years in fasting, severed connection with his wife for a hundred and thirty years, and wore clothes of fig on his body for a hundred and thirty years. – That statement [of R. Jeremiah] was made in reference to the semen which he emitted accidentally." (Babylonian Talmud on Tractate Eruvin 18b)”


>> This is telling me that the Evil One has at least ONE offspring. For such a long period of time = 130 years, he had only ONE offspring. I wonder if this is connected to the Dogon tales and the genetic illness the Evil One had. Also, why did he “severed connection with his wife”? What happened that “forced” them to separate? Was it because of the Cataclysm? Did the Cataclysm separate them?


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Anonymous ID: 2e8bbd Aug. 10, 2021, 6:12 a.m. No.14312317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3224



(Please read from the start)


“The Midrash Rabbah collection contains two references to Lilith. The first one is present in Genesis Rabbah 22:7 and 18:4: according to Rabbi Hiyya God proceeded to create a second Eve for Adam, after Lilith had to return to dust. However, to be exact the said passages do not employ the Hebrew word lilith itself and instead speak of "the first Eve" (Heb. Chavvah ha-Rishonah, analogically to the phrase Adam ha-Rishon, i.e. the first Adam). Although in the medieval Hebrew literature and folklore, especially that reflected on the protective amulets of various kinds, Chavvah ha-Rishonah was identified with Lilith, one should remain careful in transposing this equation to the Late Antiquity.”


>> This is making me believe more and more that we are talking about the same woman here whom was good and nice at first, then she “turned” to evil and became mean. We have 2 faces of the same person here.


“The second mention of Lilith, this time explicit, is present in Numbers Rabbah 16:25. The midrash develops the story of Moses's plea after God expresses anger at the bad report of the spies. Moses responds to a threat by God that He will destroy the Israelite people. Moses pleads before God, that God should not be like Lilith who kills her own children. Moses said:


[God,] do not do it [i.e. destroy the Israelite people], that the nations of the world may not regard you as a cruel Being and say: 'The Generation of the Flood came and He destroyed them, the Generation of the Separation came and He destroyed them, the Sodomites and the Egyptians came and He destroyed them, and these also, whom he called My son, My firstborn (Ex. IV, 22), He is now destroying! As that Lilith who, when she finds nothing else, turns upon her own children, so Because the Lord was not able to bring this people into the land… He hath slain them' (Num. XIV, 16)!”


>> Wow! This one is big! SPIES!?!? Why God needs spies? Why does our Heavenly Father needs to spy on His “supposed” chosen people? Why doesn’t He trust them and needs to spy on them? Isn’t it odd? Mostly when we know that our Heavenly Father can see everything and is everywhere, in everything. Our Heavenly Father can communicate from the inside to us = I think some call it telepathy, so why does He need spies? Because this is not about our Heavenly Father.


Here we are talking about the Evil One and his spies. Why and when do you need a spy? = to spy on an enemy = collecting data/information to tip the war/conflict in your favor. You can also use these spies to sabotage your enemy. So what does it mean here? Does it mean (((their))) god didn’t trust them and send spies amongst (((them)))? Does he sees his people as dangerous and cannot be trusted to send spies? This speaks volumes anons, this speaks volumes.


Whom is this “firstborn” mentioned here? Is He/She one of the Sebetti? Is this the offspring of the King of kings whom plotted to kill their father and mother and take the throne from them? And the Jews + Bloodlines are the descendants of this Evil Couple? Loads to think about here.


Take a look at this sentence anons: “As that Lilith who, when she finds nothing else, turns upon her own children”; what does it mean? Does it mean each time she gets angry Lilith takes it out on her children? = beats them up? Or is it her subordinates? Or are they saying when Lilith runs out of children to eat, she eats her own children, is that it? How should I understand this sentence? And how the heck Moses knew of this, mostly the pedovore stuff?


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