(Please read from the start)
The artifact I’m putting with this page is obviously a variation (possibly a mutation) of the previous Anzu design. Before I start explaining, I would like to ask anons to go back to page 759 and take a look at both Rothschild ball costumes; as well as reminding anons that Harry Potter’s Patronas is a Stag. I’m sure if I look, I will find more examples to give anons, but those 2 should be enough for anons to understand that the Stag/deer is a form of the Antelope Sebetti.
When the Hittites migrated in many waves to Europe after the fall of their empire, they transferred with them to Europe many of the myths and deities of Mesopotamia. Of course, along the centuries everything would have mutated many times over. I’m trying to say that the deer is to be considered as pointing to the Evil Lady’s clan. This includes Artemis and Diana by the way.
“A stag is the male of any species of deer or deer-like animals. Females are never referred to as stags. A female deer is called a doe.
An antelope is a particular species of deer, including both males and females.”
>> Anons may wonder why I’m using the word Antelope to refer to this specific clan and not the word Deer: it’s because they showed up earliest in current History in Ancient Egypt and in Mesopotamia where they are clearly Antelopes. So I thought it would be better to stick to the oldest form to call the Clan of the Evil Lady.
The first artifact with this same concept is a cylinder seal where we can see the Anzu bird in almost the same stance as we have in the previous artifacts, as in with open wings with his talons on the back of animals. He’s got the head of a lion though, but here, it’s clear, the Anzu bird is aggressive towards these animals which are Antelopes = deer. His aggressiveness is shown by 3 details:
1 – The open mouth of the Anzu is indicating that this Anzu is roaring like a lion. When does a lion roar? See what I mean?
2 – Look closely how the talons of the Anzu are depicted; they are quite sharp aren’t they? It’s like they are clutching the Antelope, not resting on it. The sharpness and the way he is clutching the Antelopes indicates the Anzu has his talons poking the flesh of the Antelope and not peacefully resting upon its back. Just like how Bald Eagles catch/snatch their prey and how they sink their talons into the flesh of the prey.
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