(Please read from the start)
“Six months later, a still-amnesiac Ethan visits Amma in the library before a college tour with Link. Lena gives him a book they had once shared as a present. Lena is a half light/dark caster, like her mother and cousin. As Link and Ethan reach the town line, the town's burned exit sign reminds him momentarily, he gets out of the car, shouting Lena. She hears his call and is freed of her dark side.
There are a lot of details in the confrontation between Lena and Sarafine. Like how Lena hides the moon. Seems like there is a connection between the Dark and the Moon, but it escapes me. Also, look at the powers of Lena, she can unleash tornadoes and seem to control the weather. Isn’t this the power the ThunderBirds had, all of them worldwide? It’s mostly noticeable with the Native American ThunderBirds. But we also know that some of the Horned Snake warrriors also controlled the weather like the Native American Horned Serpent and yes, even Pazuzu (starting page 948). I think this is stolen tech, as in the Horned Serpent warriors stole this military tech from the ThunderBird warriors.
Ripley and Sarafine represent the Evil Duo in this movie, same feminist idea as we saw with Oz movie (starting page 925). In this movie they changed things a bit, but the core idea is the same: One of the evil ones dies while the second one flees – same idea with Oz.
Anons, can you listen to the speech Sarafine gives to Lena about Motherhood. It’s simply horrible. This is what they are putting in our minds, mostly the minds of the young generation about the relationship = the bond between the mother and the daughter. This book, then the movie, targets teens and young adults as spectators mostly. So you see what (((they))) are doing? This is how your society is destroyed and how (((they))) are breaking the family apart. Once the family is broken, (((they))) take your children either turning them into (((their))) slaves (mental or physical) or (((they))) turn them into cattle (literally). This is how (((their))) poison infiltrates your family and your society. What are you going to do about it? Are you going to sit down and pretend this doesn’t concern you? Or are you going to get on your feet and so something to change things? Including keeping such harmful brainwashing methods away from children and protect society. You are being corrupted and this one of the methods (((they))) are corrupting you with and poisoning your mind: do something to stop this. Gather, organize and start working together. You can file law suits, you can boycott, you can throw the DVD if you have it etc. there are a zillion ways for you to fight this, and you can fight it on many levels.
Lena manages to push out the spiritual form of her mother out of Mrs. Lincoln body. Please anons, take a really good look at it because it’s incredibly close to what we saw on that day, as I mentioned before = about this dark substance being something between vapor and liquid; as if it floats but it also is smooth running like how liquid mercury is.
At the end of the movie, we know that Lena is half/half, as in she is half Light and half Darkness. This is different from what happened with Anakin. Here we have a 50/50 ending. Then the boy she loves calls out her name and Lena turns back to good a 100 %. It’s a total different ending than what we see with Star Wars, which makes me believe (((they))) don’t know. As in (((they))) only know of the prophecy but (((they))) don’t know which side the Child of the prophecy is going to take. (((They))) can only guess and wish for it to happen and project in the movies the Child is going to go Dark, but the truth is (((they))) don’t know what decision the child is going to take, because it’s not up to (((them))) it’s up to the Child of the prophecy. It’s up to him to choose which side he will join. It’s not up to (((them))). This is why (((they))) wanted to control the Child and have power over him. (((They))) thought if one of (((them))) can give birth to the Child and educated him into (((their))) believes, then the Child will choose Darkness because it was reared in the cult. (((They))) were wrong, the Child was born outside of the cult.
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