(Please read from the start)
>> Sarafine has the power of foresight but she cannot SEE if her daughter is going turn to the light or to the dark. So just like in Star Wars, the makers of this movie didn’t know on which side the child is going to turn. Purging the Earth of Humans and leaving only the Casters: isn’t this the plan of the Bloodlines? Purging the Earth of us and (((they))) stay alive = doesn’t this remind anons of the Georgia Stones or whatever they are called?
Genevieve Duchannes story with Ethan Carter Wate is a love story = a forbidden type of love story. Amazingly, it reminds me of the Evil Couple. From what little I’ve got so far about them, I mean their relationship with one another, it seems their love was not accepted = forbidden type. It’s the relationship between Genevieve and Ethan that started to curse = here they say it’s because she brought him back to life = she revived him. Isn’t this considered as a taboo? Isn’t this a forbidden act? It’s what I’ve been feeling from that evil couple: I mean by that this is what had happened to them = they did stuff that cannot be forgiven, not just killing the King, but other things as well. And because of the type of their relationship and the acts they committed (including killing the King of kings) they were cursed and they passed onto this curse to their descendants just like it’s the case with Genevieve and Ethan, It’s something the descendants carry within their own body in both cases, as in carry within their blood/ D.N.A. We’ve seen this notion with the Dogon culture before, didn’t we? = With the Jackal. Also, Ethan died…does this mean the Evil One died?
We have another seer in this movie apart Sarafine. This seer Amma fills, apparently, a double role of seer and library keeper. She is in charge of keeping the secret ancient books of the casters. There isn’t one library, but many worldwide, under other cities and towns. Doesn’t this mean the casters have secret rooms and passageways = a city under our own cities? Doesn’t this remind you of what the Bloodlines did? Building an underground city under the ones we have above ground? Amma also practices Voodoo = Rapist Bill and Killary’s favorite. She can communicate = talk with Spirits from the other side. Interesting, isn’t it?
In the underground secret library there is a very old Book Lena checks to see what can break the curse. That old book reminds me of the rumored ancient record book the Bloodlines keep; it’s said to be written by the blood of the victims (((they))) sacrificed. Apparently, that book contains (((their))) history and knowledge. Also an owl is depicted behind Lena while she is taking a look at the book.
“Seducing Link, Ridley gives him a bullet to use in the upcoming Civil War reenactment of the Battle of Honey Hill, also Lena's sixteenth birthday, Lena feels the shock of the curse being broken and runs to Ethan, clutching his dying body as Ridley and Sarafine encourage her to accept the dark. She lashes out in anger, sending a huge tornado through the crowd, until Ethan's body transforms into Macon, who had disguised himself to be the sacrifice to lift the curse. As he is dying, he reveals that he promised Ethan's mother to keep her son alive. These dying words encourage Lena to "claim [her]self"; she causes the moon to disappear so it cannot claim her for the dark. Allowing Ridley to flee, she pulls Sarafine from Mrs. Lincoln's body, powerfully sealing away Sarafine's spirit.”
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