Anonymous ID: 5c2e63 June 16, 2021, 6:08 a.m. No.13915929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5948



(Please read from the start)


Since I’m here, I’m going to go into the Hathor tunnel and I want to remind anons these are interconnected tunnels; as in it’s like a maze which links to Isis and others:


“Hathor (Ancient Egyptian: ḥwt-ḥr "House of Horus", Ancient Greek: Ἁθώρ Hathōr) was a major goddess in ancient Egyptian religion who played a wide variety of roles. As a sky deity, she was the mother or consort of the sky god Horus and the sun god Ra, both of whom were connected with kingship, and thus she was the symbolic mother of their earthly representatives, the pharaohs. She was one of several goddesses who acted as the Eye of Ra, Ra's feminine counterpart, and in this form she had a vengeful aspect that protected him from his enemies. Her beneficent side represented music, dance, joy, love, sexuality, and maternal care, and she acted as the consort of several male deities and the mother of their sons. These two aspects of the goddess exemplified the Egyptian conception of femininity. Hathor crossed boundaries between worlds, helping deceased souls in the transition to the afterlife.”


>> The Notables:


1 – “Hwt-hr” is the Ancient Egyptian name of Hathor and it means :the “House of Horus”; as in the CLAN of Horus. This proves my point that each Sebetti was a clan/family/tribe. And this reaffirms the solid ties between the Lamassu Sebetti and the ThunderBird Sebetti.


2 – Hathor was a SKY deity, just like Horus. This connects to the last sentence in the previous notable; the Lamassu and the ThunderBirds Sebettis were both warriors of the SKY. The Lamassu Sebetti aircraft pilots while the ThunderBirds were Jet Suit warriors. If I want to compare them both to nowadays military, I would say Lamassu are like F35 pilots and the ThunderBirds are like the paratroopers (sort of); but I guess anons understand what I mean there.


3 – It’s unclear if she was the mother or the consort of Horus or Ra; which both were connected to Kingship. It’s vague and ambiguous, isn’t it? I think this confusion is due to the Ancient Egyptians lack of knowledge and awareness about the existence of the Sebetti. They didn’t know like it was the case in Mesopotamia that there were 7 KINGS; each king had its own heraldic animal and each had his own army made of many warriors. The Ancient Egyptians were unable to understand how Hathor was connected and devoted to the King. Which in turn proves my point that the Lamassu warriors were among the good guys whom fought the Horned Serpent clan.


4 – Hathor was a motherly figure.


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Anonymous ID: 5c2e63 June 16, 2021, 6:14 a.m. No.13915948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5974



(Please read from the start)


5 – Hathor was one of the goddess whom acted like the EYE of Ra. Remember anons, the EYE of Ra was a weapon. This has a double meaning:


A – Hathor was the weapon herself as in she was a warrior, a fighter.

B – Hathor had a weapon powerful as the Sharur was. Let me explain:


From many years of reading many books belonging to many cultures, I found out that a Bull’s horns are not just attack/defense weapon but the horns also represent/symbolize his strength. When you observe the animal = Bull, you will get the same image projected to you. This is the same type of situation as the Eagle. The Birds of Prey have their beak, their ability to fly and their Talons as their special characteristics and yes as their weapons. The Bull has his physical strength and his horns are his strength points = characteristic. If we apply this to the Lamassu and Hathor, we will notice it fits perfectly with them as well; as in their horns are their power. So this is where the researcher should focus = the Horns are the weapon.


A lot of researcher, including anons, see the Horns of Hathor as the first picture I’m attaching with this page. Because of the coloring, they think the circle between the Horns is the Sun. And some even push it further to say this represents the Stargate because of the black lines of the Horns around the Sun disk. But doing so, by going into this tunnel, some researchers are forgetting or neglecting one tiny detail in it, or simply misunderstanding it = the golden serpent wrapped around the circle.


The real Hathor crown = Horns look like the second picture I’m attaching with this page. Look closely at that snake: it’s golden and it’s NOT eating its own tail like the Ouroboros but it’s standing up, like a cobra does, facing the one facing Hathor. Yes anons, this is the Wedjat = Eye of Horus (page 895). If you compare how the Wedjat is depicted and how this golden serpent in Hathor crown is, you will notice they are identical. Back then, I said the Wedjat is electricity that is depicted = shaped like a serpent/snake.


If I combine this information with Hathor crown being the Eye of Ra = weapon and with the horns of a Bull being his weapon… all 3 are pointing me that Hathor horns used to emit electricity. They were weapons on the helmet of the warrior which zapped the opponent. The ThunderBirds had their Sharur = Staff weapon emitting electricity which they used to zap their opponents. The Lamassu warrior didn’t have a staff but they had their horns as their weapon and their point of strength which used to emit electricity and shoot their opponent.


The reader is going to ask me: so then, what is this red circle between the horns which the snake wraps itself around? I will say, this is the energy weapon gathering epicenter. Let me explain: the horns are some type of rods which emits electricity and it sends it to the center = space between the horns as anons can see in the third picture I’m posting with this page.


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Anonymous ID: 5c2e63 June 16, 2021, 6:20 a.m. No.13915974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6008



(Please read from the start)


The electricity starts to concentrate in the space between the horns and starts to form a circle like what you see in the first picture I’ve attached with this page. Why does it concentrate into a circle and not a triangle or a rectangle? Well, I honestly don’t know but I am saying it’s a circle based on the iconography I have from Hathor. Remember anons, I’m taking a look at her “weapon”. I’m calling it a circle, but I think if we look at it from a 3 D perspective and not a 2 D one, there is a possibility this turns out to be an electrical sphere.


So the electricity coming out of the hors keeps on gathering and concentrating in a circular/spherical shape, till there is enough of it to form an epicenter; as seen in the second picture attached to this page.


When the electricity in the epicenter is strong enough, it will shoot out in a beam/ray straight ahead, like an arrow, but it’s made of electricity. As the beam is shot, the horn rods clam down and the electrical circle/sphere starts to dissipate between the horns, to vanish like seen in the third picture I’ve attached with this page. It’s similar to the concept of a Taser Gun (page 964).


The whole process can reboot and reshoot a second, third, etc. times in the same way. I don’t think it will take much time for the electrical beam at the epicenter to form. I mean this is not a process that will take 15 min for the horns to charge the beam. I think this is a fast process, like taking 30 sec at tops to charge and shoot the beam, to recharge once more. Why? Because this is a weapon used by a warrior during battle. Isn’t that why weapons are created? = to be used during battle against an enemy? So if your weapon needs 5, 10 or 15 min to reboot = recharge….and you are on the battlefield surrounded with enemies shooting at you….you would be very much dead in a blink if it takes too long to recharge. A warrior doesn’t use a weapon for a picnic but when there is danger. So this weapon needs to be powerful, practical and swift for it to be an effective one.


The reader may think the old man that I am has finally gone senile and all of this is not even possible. Well, I want to remind you that Qteam itself said that the deeper you go the weirder things get – in that sense anyway, I don’t remember the exact words. But we also know that modern day Bloodlines were reverse engineering the technology of this lost civilization. So anons, do you think (((they))) managed to reverse engineer Hathor’s horn weapon? I’m not that sure, but I have a proposition = a possibility = there is something called Laser Weapon or D.E.W. either fired from satellites (if I understood this correctly) or from drones and planes. Also take a look at page 926, the 2 evil witches and how they hold their hands = they look like Hathor horns with the electricity/beam forming in the middle.


I’m not an expert, but it seems this type of Laser emits a RED beam which, incredibly, coincide with the red color of the circle between Hathor’s horns. Now this is just a proposition from the old man; I’m curious and I’m willing to hear any suggestions anons can give about what type of Beam we are dealing with. Could it be different types of beam, like electricity for one and the other is of fire?


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Anonymous ID: 5c2e63 June 16, 2021, 6:27 a.m. No.13916008   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2826



(Please read from the start)


I’m not basing my words about Hathor’s Horns being a weapon that shoots out a red energy beam with just one of her iconography. I have other artifacts I want anons to take a look at:


1 – The first artifact is from a rather late period as anons can see in the details I’ve written with the picture. This iconography seem to be a stereotyped one, as in we may have more than one artifact with the same imagery on it. What do we see on these artifacts?


We have the head of Hathor represented in her human form = face. Her long hair curls up at its lower extremity to end up in being the Wedjat = standing Snake (on each side of her face) which we now know represents electricity. Her ears are clearly shown. We can also see her traditional horns but their upper extremity is curled instead of being the traditional pointy ones. I think this detail is due to the mutation which occurs as time passes by.


Right above her head, between her horns we have the EYE of RA/Horus also known as the Wedjat symbol represented. The reader may find this weird, or for those whom been reading what I’ve been writing from the start, know this might be a mutation; which it is. But a mutation of what exactly? This is a mutation of the red circle that she usually has between her horns: that red circle encircled with a golden serpent = Wedjat. I think even during this late period the Egyptians understood that the red hathoric disk and the Wedjat were similar = have electrical properties or being some type of beam. This is why much much later generations replaced the hathoric circle in her crown by the Wedjat. It is a mutation but they somehow managed to preserve the meaning of it. This is incredible. Somehow, they used 2 symbols representing weapons in the same spot between her horns.


2 – In the third picture I’ve attached with this page, there are 2 artifacts. The first one is a statuette of Hathor with a Bovine head, while the second one is a cylinder seal with Hathor depicted on it; and this is the artifact I’m interested in = the cylinder seal.


Hathor is depicted with her human face and it “looks like” she has an upside down Ankh on each side of her. Her ears are clearly shown. Her horns end up in a curly form instead of them being pointy, like in the previous artifact. But here we have a different detail = what’s between her horns? Well, there is a vertical line coming out from her head and on the very top of it, we have a very strange shape. I’m not sure if it’s downward triangle or a semi-circle with its diameter marked. But does it matter? The important is that the red disk circled with a golden serpent is all gone and in its place we have a strange design, which could look like an object in the sky and a beam is coming down from it. I can assure you this is not a hair pin, nor a candle or anything else you can think of. I’m going to leave it to anons to make up their own minds about this strange and unconventional iconography of Hathor.


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