(Please read from the start)
>> Look at the late date anons. I think this is a figurative story to hint or claim the ancestry of Sargon and to justify why he ruled. Remember Naram-Sin? I think Sargon and his descendants are most possibly direct bloodline of the Evil Lady (or at least this is what they are claiming).
“In Hurro-Hittite texts the logogram dISHTAR denotes the goddess Šauška, who was identified with Ishtar in god lists and similar documents as well and influenced the development of the late Assyrian cult of Ishtar of Nineveh according to hittitologist Gary Beckman. She plays a prominent role in the Hurrian myths of the Kumarbi cycle.”
>> Remember, the Hittites are the bridge between Europe and the Middle East civilizations.
“Later influence
In antiquity
The cult of Inanna/Ishtar may have been introduced to the Kingdom of Judah during the reign of King Manasseh and, although Inanna herself is not directly mentioned in the Bible by name, the Old Testament contains numerous allusions to her cult. Jeremiah 7:18 and Jeremiah 44:15–19 mention "the Queen of Heaven", who is probably a syncretism of Inanna/Ishtar and the West Semitic goddess Astarte. Jeremiah states that the Queen of Heaven was worshipped by women who baked cakes for her.”
>> Remember the artifacts on page 983? ^_^ it was not Hathor, nor Isis. The Cult of the Evil Lady = Inanna or whatever you want to call her is very ancient in Israel. Just follow the sacred prostitution practice and you will know. Funny how the Jewish women used to bake cakes for Lilith and for Inanna. I’m sure it’s a coincidence. If anyone bothers to search, they will find artifacts from different eras with a sexual lady depicted on them. If anyone bothers that is. And you will be “told” it’s an unidentified deity or it’s a Phoenician/ Canaanite mysterious deity, never admiting it’s the Evil Lady related to Judaism and to Inanna.
“The Song of Songs bears strong similarities to the Sumerian love poems involving Inanna and Dumuzid, particularly in its usage of natural symbolism to represent the lovers' physicality. Song of Songs 6:10 Ezekiel 8:14 mentions Inanna's husband Dumuzid under his later East Semitic name Tammuz and describes a group of women mourning Tammuz's death while sitting near the north gate of the Temple in Jerusalem.”
>> And the Sheep still believe the Bible isn’t tampered with and NOT edited. This is a very good example how “such parts” are inserted in the edited Bible.
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